Being a college student is really hard. Seriously, don't underestimate it. It's that in-between stage — you're not a child, but you're not quite an adult either. You're figuring life out, and more importantly, you're figuring you out. It's a stage of your life that is completely overwhelming, I think we can all agree about this. You're drowning in assignments, you haven't eaten well in days, you're dehydrated, you haven't done laundry, the list goes on. Where do we draw the line?
In the midst of all the chaos, we sometimes forget our lives outside of school, or maybe for you, it's work. Maybe you went a different route, or you've already graduated. Whatever it is, I'm sure there is a barrier for you as well. Whether it's school, work, etc., it's important — I know this. Of course, it's important. BUT, are these priorities a reason to put your friends and family aside? The things that are most important to you? It's time to take a step back.
I constantly find myself feeling guilty. I won't call my family for days, or sometimes even weeks, at a time. I make excuses of why I can't keep in touch. I'm too busy, I don't have time, I'm exhausted. I think to myself, I'll call eventually... when I have some time. The sad thing about that is, you're never going to have time. Not unless you make it. You don't want to look up one day "when you have time", and realize that everything that truly matters to you is gone. That's the reality of it- take advantage of the time you have today.
It doesn't matter how tired you are. Pick up your phone and make that phone call that you know you need to make. Call your parents, call your precious grandparents, call your best friend. Let the ones that love you most know that you're okay. Let them know that you're thinking of them. They know you're busy and that's why don't they bother you, but take it from me, they would love to hear your voice.
Take a deep breath. Trust me — I know how much time these priorities take up, but in order to stay sane, you have to find time. Find the time to talk to your family, find the time to spend with your friends, and find the time to do the things that make you happy. Escaping reality is often the best way that you can survive it.
If there's anything I've learned in the past few years, it's that life doesn't slow down. It's never going to. The clock will never slow down to let you enjoy the moment that you're in, and it will never stop to give you that second chance that you think you have. If you haven't realized this yet, realize it now. Right now. Be smart enough to never lose track of what's important. Don't wait until it's too late, don't let life get in the way.