There comes a time when you start to feel like you have made too many mistakes. Your failures seem to outweigh your successes. You have fallen time after time, and you honestly do not know if you have the energy or drive to pick yourself back up. You are probably exhausted and frustrated. You may feel drained and discouraged. Well, I am right there with you.
When I entered my twenties, I imagined traveling the country, meeting new and interesting people and growing in my independence. I obviously knew the road to adulthood would have some bumps along the way, but I definitely did not think that bumps would be all I would experience in the beginning. I have been able to realize that society plays a role in why twenty-somethings like myself feel that their twenties have to be glamorous and adventurous. We are told that our twenties are the best years of our lives, and we should take advantage of every second. Then, we are criticized when we are not being responsible enough, and do not have a plan set out for the rest of our lives. Things can begin to become confusing, and guilt can arise when the right decisions are not made.
Mistakes are lessons. The mistakes we make or have made are all opportunities to grow and better ourselves. A mistake only remains a mistake if you do not allow yourself to learn from it. Having faults just means you are human. Your twenties are meant to have failures, falls and mistakes. So it is okay if you have changed your major for the third, or even tenth, time. You will get through the loss of a relationship or friendship. You will grow from the rejection of that internship or job. Do not be afraid to take risks or chances. Take them. If they do not work out or go exactly the way you planned, take it as a learning experience.