To all you Disney lovers and fans,
Disney is the number one company in the entertainment business. Almost everyone in the world loves Disney, including myself. Almost every day, we have to wake up and get ready for school, work, make lots of money and eventually retire at a certain age. It's all part of the terms “growing up.” But for us Disney fans, we do not want to grow up. We all want to be that little kid again watching and learning the magic of Disney.
I am almost 20 years old, and I have seen almost every Disney movie including the remakes. If I had a movie night with my friends, it probably would consist of watching Disney movies all night long. While the new Disney cartoons that come out, the directors and producers tend to think that is more for the younger audiences and that is who all is going to see it. But they would be wrong. Older people and younger people go see new Disney movies that come out every year, even if they are a little too silly. All Disney movies tell a story. They help us with problems that we might be facing. From telling us to enjoy things in life and to become the hero of your own town, to finding your real true love in life. They make us laugh, cry and sometimes get a little mad. I always hate it when I look or buy a Disney movie out of a store and someone tells me “Aren’t you a little too old for Disney movies?” As Walt Disney would have said it, "You are never too old for a Disney Movie.”
A lot of people do not know this, but Disney does help people in a lot of different ways. If you are feeling down on a certain day, try looking at Disney related stuff. Like for me—I love looking up Disney pictures and quotes just to lighten my day. Maybe looking at Disney stuff just brings out the little kid in us again, because it is so full of imagination, wonder and happiness.
Disney parks are filled with all the magic. In 2011, it was my first time Disney World and I fell in love with it. When you first walk into the park you can feel all the excitement that is around you. Being there is like your getaway place. Once you are there, you never want to leave. There is something about each park that just makes you want to stay all day and all night. Lots of people say that just little kids go to the parks. But it is not true. I have seen marriage proposals, weddings and even old retired people at Disney world. This place is for everyone to enjoy and to be that little kid again and to not ever grow up.
Walt Disney wanted to create a place where kids, adults and families could enjoy themselves. I am so glad that he came up with the idea of Disney. We all have the Disney magic inside us. “Adults are only kids grown up, anyways.” – Walt Disney