There is not standard to beauty. I don't understand how someone has the nerve to tell someone else that they are too skinny or too fat. Don't tell someone they need to eat a salad or that they should put on some weight. Who are you to judge how someone else should look and feel about his or herself?
There is no weight you have to be to be considered beautiful, everyone is beautiful in their own individual way. People tend to not understand that every female does not have the genetic makeup to look like social media`s "ideal beauty standard".
I say those extra five-10 pounds, that place where your body wants it to be-- that's your life. That's your late night pizza with your friends. That spontaneous girls trip to Ocean City, when you indulged in a lot of "bad things." Those five-10 pounds are Sunday morning all you can eat brunch, your absolute favorite cupcake in the world because you wanted to treat yourself. Those five-10 pounds are your favorite memories, the unforgettable trips and your celebrations of life. Those extra five-10 pounds are your spontaneity, your freedom, and your love.
So stop worrying about them, live your life without fear of judgement from others because not everyone is going to think the same way you do. Stop caring what they think and go do what you want. Eat whatever you want. Wear whatever you want. If you have confidence in what you're doing that's what really matters. You want to wear a bikini, but your body is not considered a "bikini body?" Here's how to solve it, go put that bikini on your body and rock it. Everyone has a bikini body!
The number inside your jeans or the tag in your shirt doesn't matter. That is just a number as is the scale. That number does not define your self-worth, your beauty, your intelligence, or the amount of love you have. It is one stupid lousy number or letter. Your beauty is not defined by a size, a weight, or by physical features. Your beauty comes from the inside, your beauty is what you say and what you think. Your beauty is an inspiration to someone else.