Yoga is different for everyone and has a piece that everyone can fall into. These are the five reasons why I choose to practice yoga.
1. Forgive
It's one of the hardest things in the world to do. In yoga, we learned to honor ourselves and to honor others. The fact is we are all human and imperfect. Holding on to anger is like sticking your hand in a pot of boiling water and expecting the other person to get burned. I have learned it takes more energy not to forgive than it would be to forgive. At the end of the day, forgiveness is not for the other person it's for you.
2. How To Be Kind To Yourself
If you've ever taken a yoga class do you know that yoga can be very humbling. What your body can do today it may not be able to do tomorrow and vice versa what you're not able to do today you may be able to do tomorrow. Yoga teaches us that we're not perfect that every class is a practice. You are practicing to become a better human being. The more I have practiced yoga, the more I have learned to love myself and not to be so judgmental of my body and of my life.
3. My Mental Health
Yoga teaches you how to be more self-aware of your body. I've suffered from panic attacks and anxiety attack for sometime now. If you've never had a panic attack before I will tell you that it is one of the most scariest things that can happen. Sometimes they have trigger and sometimes they come out of nowhere, but the feeling is always the same it feels like you are in terrible danger. Your heart is racing , you don't feel safe, and there's really nothing anyone can do to help you can calm down right away. Panic attacks can outlast from an hour to four hours and even all day. Yoga teaches us poses that calm down the parasitic nervous system which controls our fight or flight reaction.
4. Gratitude
I have learned how to be grateful for everything that I can do and everyone in my life. Yoga has taught me that not everything in life is not permanent, the things you're able to do today you may not be able to do after today. Taking that into the real world, people in your lives that are here today that you love may not be here tomorrow. You have to be thankful for the time that you have with the people that you love. You also have to be thankful for the things that your mind and body can do but to also be thankful for the things that your mind and body can't do, because that is what humbles us.
5. Faith
That is a very spiritual journey. The whole point of yoga when it was first created was to become more spiritual. All the poses cause your body to become tired and you don't have the ability to think anymore. Your body is so tired that your mind can't wander. Now I'm not telling you when you go do yoga class are going to tell you about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but you'll start to understand that yoga takes you onto a spiritual journey. Yoga doesn't discriminate on faith, it's just a way to be more spiritual. I have the most intimate conversations with God when I'm in my corpse pose, it's pose at the end of every yoga class where you're completely calm and still lying on your back, and that's when I have my conversations. When I think God for allowing me to practice and tell him my worries and my dream
I'm not telling you that yoga is going to magically fix your life. Yoga just offers the teaching tools and it's your job to use them in whatever way fits your life.