I have always enjoyed writing. From the time I was a little girl, I was writing stories and making little books made with pieces of construction paper with loose leaf paper in the middle. Making cards for family and friends is something I loved doing and yes, I had multiple journals growing up. I had so much to say and my imagination had no limits.
As I grew older, I realized that writing essays in school was something I looked forward to, unlike most students. I found that I could express myself better in writing than I could talking. It was easier to write out my feelings and thoughts on paper, rather than saying it in person. It helped me to straighten out all the thoughts wandering in my mind. It's helped me get through hard times, while helping others; which is something that is so rewarding.
I have always been envious of the songs that give you the chills, or the ones that you can relate so closely with. The ones that are literally speaking what you feel, but you just didn't know how to put it into words yourself. I wish I had that ability, to have the lyrics come so naturally and connect with people through music. However, over the years I have realized that writing is my muse. As soon as I write, I immediately feel better and everything I am feeling is out and into words I couldn't quite say outloud. It helps me make sense of what I am genuinely feeling.
Although, most of the time, it does come easily, especially when there is inspiration involved. Writer's Block is a real thing, and it is not fun. There have been so many instances where I think I know what I want to write about, but the words just don't flow like I had hoped. But it's okay because I know it's a part of the process. The procrastination and note taking trying to brainstorm a topic can be tricky, but ultimately the material in the end is something so raw and rewarding, that I wouldn't have it any other way.
So why do I write? I write because I want to help others get through the obstacles in their lives. I write because it helps me clear my mind. I write because I can express myself through words and it can be shared with others. I write because the moment I get inspired to, there's no stopping me. I write because I enjoy it and I always have. Writing will always be something I love to do. What ever my career may be in the future, I know that I won't stop writing.