Why Would Anyone Vote For Trump? | The Odyssey Online
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Why Would Anyone Vote For Trump?

"A patriotic businessman is a much better fit to run this country than a regular old politician."

Why Would Anyone Vote For Trump?
VectorOpenStock / Wikimedia Commons

With the election coming up, everyone is on edge. Who is going to be our next president? Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? Some might say these two are the worst candidates in history — scratch that, most say these two are the worst candidates in history. I am 100 percent positive that no other presidential election has been as entertaining as this. People are really just tuning into the debates just to see what stupid thing Donald Trump has to say or what other lies Hillary Clinton is going to come up with. That is not good. These two are running to become the next POTUS, they are not trying to win the next season of "America's Got Talent."

People are looking at this election as voting for the lesser of two evils. Who is less evil? Clinton or Trump? Well, let us see. Hillary Clinton has her faults. She gotten herself into sticky situations, but what she does not do is demean people. I do not know about the rest of the American people, but I would hope the majority of this country would not want a man that encourages bullying to become the next President. That is just a disaster waiting to happen. After hearing what Donald Trump promotes, it is hard to understand why anyone would want to vote for him. I was curious about what the reason was as to why people supported him. If people are going to come at the election with the mindset of voting for the lesser of two evils, I have no clue why or how they would think Mr. Trump would be the better candidate. I did a little research.

Donald Trump is an impressive businessman. That was a popular answer I found. People liked his business approach to politics and they were sick of the typical politicians running for office. Sure, I guess that makes sense. A person who has no political background whatsoever is a fantastic choice to become the next POTUS because he has a great business background. I am not at all saying he is not a good business man. He, in fact, is an incredible businessman. He took that ridiculously small loan of million dollars he got from his father and turned it into a multi-billion dollar company. Terrific! It would be even more impressive if he started a business on his own and turned it into a multi-billion dollar company, but starting off with a million dollars made it ever so slightly easier for him. That is exactly the type of person we need to run this country. Help us get out of debt, right? The problem is Mr. Trump has all these grand ideas of how he wants to get this country out of debt, but we have yet to hear how he is going to make that happen. All talk, no action. I will admit that he most likely knows a great deal about the economy and trade. But there is a hell of a lot more to it than that, to run a country.

Patriotism plays a huge part as well. Most Americans who are voting for Trump believe that he, in fact, is going to "make America great again." Terrorism, especially over the past few years, is at an all-time high. People are scared. People make rash decisions when they are scared. Voting for Trump is one of them. Americans want the borders closed to keep illegal immigrants out, to keep terrorists out! Donald Trump's solution to this is "build a wall." Okay, then what? Let's say the wall is built, that is going to cost a few dollars. What is the plan when someone tries to climb the wall, are they going to get shot or imprisoned? What's the goal? It sounds like a good idea to some people, but it is not well thought out at all. Mr. Trump has these ideas but gives no explanation to how he is going to follow through with them. Just saying, "build a wall" is not enough. Some Americans believe that he is going to put America first and then worry about the rest of the world. As POTUS, that is not really an option. The President needs to make sure this country has allies in time of war. The United States of America did not become the richest country (or maybe the second richest country, behind China) in the world by being selfish. It is this country's duty to help other countries in their time of need. China may be the richest country in the world, but it is a communist country. I do not think Americans would not react well to communism.

Some people are strictly voting for trump because they can "trust" him and would never vote for an "untrustworthy" candidate like Clinton. Can we really trust Trump? I mean, his own wife plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech! The problem with this situation is that Trump is either way too believable or his fans are just way too gullible.

I prefer to call Trump supporters Trump "fans," because it still is beyond me how he made it this far in the presidential election. Someone that makes fun of handicapped people and makes rude comments towards women. Someone who has no follow-through with his ideas, cannot even answer a question directly during a debate and condones violence at his conventions. I cannot believe this man is the Republican candidate for the 2016 presidential election. This is America and we live in a democracy and we all should attempt to respect the different political beliefs of people. It may be completely ludicrous, but everyone has the freedom to vote for who they want. We should enjoy our freedom now, because who knows what will happen if Donald Trump wins the presidency. He already has kicked people out of his conventions when they do not agree with him — why would we want that as our next president?

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