There are many MMO RRPGs (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) to immerse oneself in. But none can compare to Blizzard's masterpiece, "World of Warcraft." From vanilla WoW to the current expansion the masterminds behind this epic game changed what it meant to play an MMO RPG. I've tried playing many other MMOs, mostly to save money or to save some time, but honestly nothing comes close to the in depth story and character connectivity you get when playing a Bilzzard game. Here are some reasons I think "World of Warcraft" is great!
1. The character creation
Not only do you chose a faction; Horde or Alliance (FOR THE HORDE), within that faction you get to choose a race. Those races are strict to those factions. For example, Orcs don't belong on Alliance and Humans have no place within the Horde. Along with that, you get to choose a class. Will you be a Mage? Hunter? Paladin? Death Knight? Not to mention the customization has enough options to add your own personal touch but not too much to overwhelm you.
2. The story
This is the reason I love all Blizzard games - the story. I started playing "World of Warcraft" later than most, but it hasn't stopped me from going back and researching, reading books and queuing for old dungeons and raids to experience the old lore! The "World of Warcraft" stories are the best video game stories I have ever heard. Watching cut scenes and trailers for new expansions give me chills and a thirst for adventure with my toon. There's no way to explain the feeling unless you have experienced it yourself!
3. Strong female characters
There has always been strong female characters littered throughout the Warcraft lore. Sylvanas Windrunner, Jaina Proudmoore, Maive Shadowsong, Tyrande Whisperwind, Garona Halforcen. Those are just a few that I can name off the top of my head. Its amazing that there are so many strong female characters in this game.
4. Strong male characters, too
This goes back to the well written story, but the strength, the honor, the glory, the pride. It's all something to look up to! Arthas Menethil, Uther the Lightbringer, King Varian Wrynn, Thrall, Baine Bloodhoof. All of these strong leaders have amazing stories to follow throughout the land of Azeroth.
5. You'll never run out of things to do
The epic world of Azeroth is full of bountiful quests everywhere. There are always people to meet, dungeons to do, raids to que for, treasures to find! And with the addition of your Garrison and Shipyard, there is even more you can explore!
Sometimes I stare at the massive amounts of quest points littering my map and I feel quite overwhelmed. But then, I feel calm and a smile comes across my face as I am reminded that I will never run out of things to do in this game that I have come to love.