It’s a commonly known fact that working in retail is not a fun job. There are tedious tasks that can be annoying and dealing with customers isn’t always easy. For anyone who has worked in retail you’ll be able to relate to how much these things suck.
1. Folding Clothing
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2. Rude Customers
Dealing with rude customers is definitely one of the worst parts about working in retail. There are always going to be the customers that complain about every little thing and are never satisfied. (I once had a customer yell at me in another language just because there wasn’t another register open.) The hardest part about dealing with rude customers is that no matter how rude they are to you, you must always be kind and respectful to them.3.Call Ins
Call ins are always annoying. You get scheduled a shift but you have to call before the shift to know if you’re actually working. Making plans is impossible when you have a call in because you never know if you’re going to have to work or not until an hour before your shift.
4.Cleaning up after customers
Nothing is more frustrating than spending 30 minutes folding a pile of shirts just to have a customer mess up the pile in a matter of seconds.
5.The Pay
Minimum wage just doesn’t cut it when you’re trying to pay for student loans, groceries, gas, rent, bills and so many more expenses.
6.Opening Shifts
Waking up at the crack of dawn to go clean and set up a store is not a great way to start your morning. I would much rather be sleeping at 7am on a Saturday than dusting the mannequins.
7.Closing Shift
Staying hours after the store closes refolding all the clothing sucks. After dealing with rude customers and cleaning up after them all day, the last thing you want to do is stay late instead of go home.
8.Working the Register
Anytime I worked the register I would have a headache at the end of my shift from constantly repeating the same things over and over; “Would like to sign up for our rewards programs?” “Did you find everything okay?” “Have a great day!”…
9.Customers that walk in close to closing
There’s always that one customer that walks in a few minutes before closing and then takes their time walking around the entire store. We just want to close the store and go home but we can’t until this one customer is done and half the time they don’t buy anything.
10.Fitting Rooms
Fitting rooms are a nightmare because there are always those customers that try on 10 different things and leave them all on the floor for you to clean up.
11.End of Season Sales/Holiday Sales
Any huge sale in a retail store is complete chaos. The store because overcrowded with customers and don’t even bother trying to fold anything because it’ll just become a mess 30 seconds later.