Let's face it: some people are born with the love to work out. Others, like myself, find the thought of it a fiery hell. I say find, but it's more like found. Like most people who actually go out on a limb and try the "healthy lifestyle," it quickly becomes addicting, and no matter what anyone tells you; there is nothing wrong with being healthy. Don't ever feel selfish for taking that hour a day to yourself to work out. The chores and the studying can wait. Take that hour out of your busy day not only to improve your physical health but mental health as well. If you cannot take 4 percent out of your day to work out, you probably have more issues than just your health. According to WebMD, 30 minutes of activity a day for five days out the week will do! That is only 1.4 percent of your whole week; a small price to pay for the benefits you reap. I could ramble off statistics and benefits of getting off the couch all day long, but when it comes down to it....you have to do it for yourself.
For me, I work out to clear my mind. When I'm in that moment, sweat dripping in my eyes, my heart feeling like it is going to explode, my lungs incapable of diffusing oxygen into my blood, and my body on the brink of failure is when I think most clearly. In that moment I don't care about my final projects, or my laundry that is going on its third day in the washer, or my ex who chose (insert basically any girls name here) over me. In that moment, I can breathe.
For me, I work out to dream. Where else can you go to actively dream about unrealistic, magical situations that will most likely never happen? I can't think of a better place to get lost in deep thought about showing up to your 10 year class reunion in your Bugatti while those "popular" girls are looking for their 3rd husband. While I'm running, I can be anyone and do anything I want to do.
For me, I work out to be dynamic. I don't like to stand still in life whether that be my schooling, my career, or my fitness. I like working towards and meeting goals. What better way to practice hard work and the art of dedication other than on improving myself. I get high off of seeing where I am now from what I came from. Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, you too can change.
For me, I work out to get happy. It's a known fact that breaking a sweat releases all those feel good hormones into your brain. Being able to pass by mirrors and not be embarrassed about my reflection looking back at me makes happy. Being happy and feeling accomplished the other 96 percent of the day or 98.6 percent of the week is totally worth shedding some tears..err I mean sweat, during a workout.
For me, I work out to turn heads. Let's face it, everyone works out to look good. You can argue you do it for the health benefits, but I don't see you complaining about your shrinking waste line. Those muscular thighs, the toned stomach, the defined calves, and of course the exaggerated collarbones. I work out to look good on Friday night in that crop top, tight jeans, and heels. I work out to look good and for you to notice. It's not conceded, it's the truth. Whether you spam your social networks with the classic flexing selfie or not, you like the attention as a direct result of the effort you have put in at the gym. I love the confidence that comes from knowing I look good.
But, I do not work out for you. I don't work out because you called me "a linebacker" in 10th grade and said I belonged on the football team. I don't work out, because you chose the smaller girl. I don't work out because you told me "the freshman 15 doesn't suite me well" I only work out for me.
I'm not telling you to work out. I'm telling you that if you do...make sure it is for you.