Relationships. What a cringe-worthy word, am I right?
At the age of 19, that word has kind of consumed my life. But why? It's not because I talk about it all the time. It's because it is presented to me every day. Being in college, and in a sorority, I know a lot of guys. I would not, however, write home about any of them. It's not because I'm boring or rude. It's because I won't settle. Many (most) of my friends, are in relationships. I have friends who are lucky enough to get out of a relationship and find a brand new one two months later. I, however, do not have that luxury. I'm busy doing things for myself, so, at this point in my life, I don't really care.
I won't settle because I have standards.
Not saying guys don't, but the guys I know don't uphold to the standards that I hold close to my heart. If someone doesn't hold up to the things I feel important, how would I love them?
I won't settle because I deserve the world.
Growing up, everyone called me Princess. Funny, right? To me it meant everything. When I would come home with a broken heart, mom would always say "Chin up, Princess!" As a kid and even now, those words spoke volumes to me. I should have someone who calls me a princess and treats me with that respect.
I won't settle because I know better.
I started 'dating' I guess in 8th grade and I have only had a handful of relationships since. What I can say for those relationships is that, well, they all sucked. All ended badly. Most of the time, I was cheated on. Left for other girls. I can only recall one relationship where neither of the two happened, but it fizzled in its own way. With that being said, I can read the signs. The signs that tell me that the guy isn't trust-worthy. I know better than to take those chances.
I won't settle because God has a plan.
I know that when I am presented with the right person, I will know. I don't believe in pointless dating in college. It's a waste of time and a pain in the neck. Why should I be upset over a guy that is most certainly not worth being upset over? I shouldn't. God has a plan, and I trust him.
So, that's it. I won't settle for less than I deserve, and neither should any person in this world. It took me a long time to decide to hold myself to a higher standard, but I can honestly say that I feel so much better. I'm picky, and I admit that proudly. So remember to keep your head up, stand firm in your beliefs, and trust in God's plan. You could be genuinely surprised with the outcomes.