I remember keeping up with the campaigns for the 2008 election when Obama was running against John McCain. I was in sixth grade when that election took place and I was taking my CCD class in Newark at St. Lucy’s at the time. I remember every Tuesday on my way home I would see crowds of people handing out Obama flyers and bumper sticks and holding up signs saying “Vote For Obama.”
I remember the vote being really close at one point that my family was extremely nervous about the outcome of the election, although we all knew Obama was going to win. “John McCain is too old” and “We need change; put Obama in office” were sayings I would hear on a daily basis. Following this election made me excited to be able to vote. My judgment after that election when Obama became president was that “people do have a voice, people’s votes do count.” However, that judgment no longer stands.
Watching the campaign for the 2016 election makes me believe that the whole country thinks this is a joke. Hillary Clinton is about to be 69 years old in a little over a week. Donald Trump turned 70 years old in June. John McCain was 72 years old when he ran for office, which isn’t that much older than what our candidates are now. So why was age a deciding factor for John McCain not to be president, but no one cares about the ages of Trump and Clinton?
Yes, America needs change, but we need good change; change that will bring America up and not bring us down. Having a woman for president would be a great thing for this country, but Hillary Clinton should not be the first woman president this country sees in office. She should be in prison, not the Oval Office. Maybe we need someone who will speak the truth and say it how it is, but Donald Trump should not be the first president to do that, either. We need to find a middle ground to the problems that this country has.
There is a lot of controversy when it comes to things that Trump has said, such as the comments that come out of his mouth about women. The country was worried about the entire transgender bathrooms issue, but now they aren’t worried by what Trump says and does? His actions and comments towards women are disrespectful and degrading and he should probably be in prison, too.
There is also a lot of controversy when it comes to Clinton and her deleted emails. She deleted 30 or so emails, that I know of, and she knew it was against the law. There were no charges against her, but people are still unhappy about the whole ordeal. She also has health issues that have yet to been spoken about, but that day she collapsed before getting in the car to leave a ceremony should be a red flag to people considering her for president. Clinton has been known to be a liar and that is the last thing we need in a president.
The way Clinton and Trump jump down each other’s throats at every debate is ridiculous. My mindset went from “every voice is heard” to “what’s the point in voting because neither candidate is fit to be president of this country.” Trump and Clinton, and the majority of Americans apparently, are making this election out to be a joke it seems like. There is no sense of sincerity when they speak at debates and the only thing they do is bring the other candidate down instead of trying to build themselves up.
America would be better off if both of these candidates dropped out and two other candidates took their places. I’m not voting because no one is taking this seriously. I’m not voting because I don’t want Trump or Clinton to be the president of this country. And I’m not voting because no matter who wins, this country is headed to the gutter. I’m not voting because I no longer see the point in it and that’s all thanks to Trump and Clinton.