"For women, but not for some of their assumed rights."
I know that this is quite the bold position to make in the midst of a feminist generation, so let me explain. We live in a society that absolutely believes we have all supposed rights and that we are completely entitled to them. And now, not only do we demand these rights, but we also get in our heads somewhere along the way that they must be moral and/or biblical if society demands them so. Throughout this mentality, we have absolutely made up multiple women's "rights" along the way:
1. As women, we have every right to abort our pregnancies since it is our bodies after all.
I never quite understood how and why this "logic" ever got anywhere, but I'm here to tell you that it is completely false. If we want to look at this in a biblical light, first and foremost, it isn't our body to begin with. We get into this mentality that not only our body but even our life in its wholeness is completely ours and that we have no accountability in what we do with it. This couldn't be any further from the truth. The body belongs to God, the absolute Creator of it. And in that, it is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). So, if it's not our body, we do not have this authority to make these monumental decisions regarding it. So, we are absolutely under
2. As women, we have every right to happiness, no matter what that may entail. And in that, we have the right to love or be with whoever we want to love or be with.
If you are believing this lie, you are opening yourself up to a whole lot of destruction. As you probably realize, the world absolutely prioritizes happiness. Society tells our young women to be with absolutely whoever they desire, male or female. And if that doesn't work out, divorce him and forget about that holy covenant you've made before God because you are entitled to someone better in your own earthly eyes — no matter what the consequences may be. Oh, and if it makes you happy to have children out of wedlock, absolutely do it because he's guaranteed to stay with you if you open up every part of yourself to him. How many lies do we have to hear and blindly believe about happiness before we stop buying into the lie that one, nothing on this earth brings true happiness and two, we aren't entitled to it! God's up to something much greater and truly more beautiful than our own happiness in the midst of our selfishness.
3. We are entitled to have someone dig us out of our hole of terrible decisions.
As much as I'd like to go about my writing in a harmless manner, I cannot and will not sugarcoat women's rights. So let me just be very transparent: we are constantly expecting everyone but ourselves to reap the consequences of our mistakes, and it has to stop. When we have a little (who am I kidding — big) "accident" out of wedlock, we want someone to drive us to the abortion clinic, tell us that it's OK (really, we search for the kind of people that will justify our sin for us), and forget about it like it never happened. Or if we do give birth, we want the government to pay for our children one after one, then have our parents raise them while we "live our lives," because why take care of them when you can get handout after handout, right? I'm all for help when it is needed, I truly am, I'm just simply saying that we need to let go of this mentality that we have the absolute right to be provided with all these ways out of the rut that we have dug ourselves into rather, we need to start mapping a way out, ourselves.
So, with this common belief circulating throughout society that we are entitled to some things, (some of those things just happen to be "women's rights"), there's also this misconception that if we are not for all of these movements and apparent rights, we are not for women. But I'm here to remind you all that we can still be completely for women and still stand on truth. So, let's stop sugar coating our stances, and start standing on truth, in love.