Public breastfeeding has recently been a socially debated topic. Although there are laws protecting the right to publicly breastfeed in most states, this has not prevented mothers from being asked to leave public places because they're nursing. If they are not asked to leave, mothers may still receive dirty looks, or maybe even a nasty comment for publicly nursing their child.
Because some people consider it highly inappropriate, here are seven logical reasons why women should NEVER breastfeed publicly.
1. The children will see.
In our society today, women's breasts are always fully concealed in public. I mean, there ARE other children around! How do we explain to our children what breastfeeding is? Explaining how babies eat is not age appropriate! However, the sexually suggestive ads your kids will see at the mall are totally fine.
2. Breasts are sexual.
Everyone knows that the single function of breasts are to be sexual objects. We don't live in a society where it's okay to even show cleavage, let alone whip out a boob to feed a hungry child.
3. Women breastfeed in public to show off.
If a woman breastfeeds in public, it's probably because she likes receiving dirty looks and maybe some nasty remarks. To all the breastfeeding mothers out there, start teaching your month-old baby to put others before themselves! Your baby needs to learn patience and wait until you find a more private place or wait until you're home. Life isn't always fair, baby.
P.S Bathroom stalls are WAY more comfy, sanitary, and private to nurse your baby!
4. Breastfeeding makes full grown people very uncomfortable.
To be a good mother, you should consider how everyone else is impacted by your decisions to nurse in public. How could you live with the thought that you made someone else feel uncomfortable? Breastfeeding may be something natural, but we shouldn't have to see it! Don't you know we are all incapable of looking away?
5. Nursing a baby is no different than sex, urinating, and pooping.
We do all of these other things in private spaces, so why would breastfeeding be any different? Feeding a child and waste products are the same thing, right? How unsanitary.
6. Be considerate and cover up.
It's not your choice to decide whether or not to use a cover. For the moms who use covers for their own comfort, this isn't about you. It should be done for everyone else's comfort since you decided to be highly inappropriate.
Besides, trying to keep a blanket over a wriggling baby is easy! All babies love having blankets over their faces while eating, just like us adults do! But, if you decide to use a cover, make sure the baby doesn't try to move it off of their face, everyone might see part of your boob, gross.
7. If you must feed your baby breast milk, why don't you just use a milk pump?
Again, this isn't a personal decision! This isn't about the comfort of the mother. Since all mothers are able to pump and all babies easily take bottles, this is the perfect alternative! Storing frozen breast milk for transport and finding a way to heat it up while you're out in public is no sweat! All mothers and babies are easily able to get on this pumping/feeding schedule.
To all the mothers out there,
Feeding your baby in public places isn't a personal decision. It is very inconsiderate and offensive to put the needs of your baby over the unsolicited opinions of strangers. Stop trying to turn us all on with your milk-filled breasts! Either find a place to hide and feed your baby, or just never leave your home!