Thinking about the way the world works today, men are typically put on pedestals, while the contributions of us female counterparts often get thrown to the back burner. It might be 2016, but women are still typically dictated roles of nurture and care-giving over men. We, though, have the power to rebel against these stone aged stereotypes. Think about if men and women were given equal roles from the beginning of time. How advanced would our society be today?
Billionaire investment mogul, Warren Buffet, once said, “Most of America’s prosperity was created using only about 50% of its talent, the men.”
Women make up 85% of consumer purchases, so consider this: what would hurt our economy more? If all men stopped working for a day, or if all women stopped shopping for a day? Without women, our economy has no capability to thrive, and the business world, that’s thought to be ran by men, would simply be non-existent.
The current generations of adult women make up the majority of college degrees, and are starting to make up the majority of the workforce, doing what your typical man might do. Yet this doesn’t take away from the rest of our powers. We’re equally competing for jobs and lifestyles that men have attained for centuries.
Not to mention, females are the only beings with the ability to bear a human life, which takes an astonishing amount of strength that a man will simply never be able to even fathom. In my opinion, and feel free to call me bias, it seems like women were traditionally given roles of homemakers because men have always been intimidated by our infinite potential in other areas. By encouraging us to have roles outside of the home, they’d have to compete with a questionably superior breed, and I think men knew this very early on in the evolution of society, which has set our rise so far back.
Single mothers makeup 84% of the single parent home population, and more than two-thirds of those mothers have employment. Additionally, a woman's earning power is only about 78% of a man’s. Imagine telling your ideal man that he has to raise three children on his own while making 22% less than their coworker with a stay at home spouse? Yet, this is an ideal situation for more than 12 million families in the United States.
So, despite the hundreds of thousands of years that women have been viewed as inferior by men, things are rapidly changing. Maybe I’m dramatic, bias, or only feel this way because I know it’s completely and undeniably true, but it’s important for those “superior” creatures to know that we’re taking back what we should've never had to fight for.
Men, you may trump our physical strength, and we’ll happily give you that little victory, but the future of the world is in our hands now.