The definition of suffering: "The state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship" via The Oxford Dictionaries.
I am a woman, an emotional wreck some days and then other days the happiest person on the planet. I've been through a lot in my short 28 years of life. I have dealt with divorce, getting remarried, child birth, job promotions, change of careers, graduating college and going back and doing it all over again. One thing I have noticed living in this country is that we are becoming more and more soft, more dependent on others yet saying that we want independence.
Apparently while I have been living my life being a young woman in America, some other women have decided (for ALL women) that we are treated poorly. Now, don't get me wrong, as I speak, one in three women are being abused either physically or verbally, and it's disgusting; we need to do something about it. The Brock Turner case was a complete joke as we all know. There's also human trafficking, and all kinds of crimes going on against women. But let me ask you a question--When you walk out of your house, how afraid are you? Do you have to cover your whole body except your eyes so you don't get beaten by men because your religion tells them too? Are you currently pregnant and your country tells you that since you have too many daughters that if your current child is not a boy that they and possibly you can be killed?
The answer is that unless you live in those countries where those things happen on a daily basis, then are not suffering as a woman. But what about pay gaps and free birth control and abortions because it's our bodies??
Pay gaps:
Say you and a guy are hired for the same position at your job. He has experience and maybe a degree in the field. You don't have any of that but you some how find out he's making more than you. Please explain to me how that is unfair...
Free Birth Control:
Don't get me wrong, free birth control is great. But using the excuse "because I am a woman" is still making you sound like a minority even though you don't want to be a minority.
I could go on all day about this non-sense (I'm not including rape on this). All I have to say on this is--1. you wanted free birth control 2. you took biology in school 3. why should a life have to suffer because you had a stupid moment?
Long story short, women in America are not suffering. So while y'all are out marching instead of actually fixing the problem by volunteering, doing research or whatever. I'm going to clock in 60 hours this week, be equal to my dear husband, teach my daughter to be strong and independent and not allow others to tell her how to feel or act. Then I will continue to uplift my fellow girl AND guy friends, so we can continue on this crazy roller-coaster called life.