It's hard living a life without a parent. It's hard living a life without a parent knowing that we could be in each others lives but just aren't. How can a parent even live their life knowing that they could be apart of their child's life, but choose to not be? I've went almost my whole life without my dad and it hurts. It's hard to accept that they've accepted it. Everyone needs their parents. So why can't I have both of mine? There are many reasons why I've wished my dad would've stuck around. Here are just a few:
I'm a girl who needs her dad's help.
Dads are suppose to help keep the mean boys away who treat me badly. They're suppose to scare them off and make sure I get what I deserve. They're suppose to be there whenever a mean boy gets by him and ends up hurting me anyway. I'm suppose to be able to run to my dad and have him have my back whenever I get my heart broken. As much as dads may act like they hate it, don't you want to see me get married and walk me down the aisle? I'm suppose to have you there to tell him before the wedding that you'll hurt him if he ever hurts me.
You're missing me grow up.
You'd be proud of me. I hope. I graduated high school, I'm in college, I have a job, and I'm paying my own bills. I'm not a little girl anymore. I've grown up and you've missed it. How could you miss it? You missed prom, my birthdays, moving me into college, two years in a row. You missed watching me cheer in high school, buy my first car, kill my first deer, and my graduation. You'd be proud but you don't even know what you're missing.
I need your support.
I've been through a lot. I'm going through a lot. And I've really needed you. I need a father in my life. It's hard living without one. When I'm hurt, where are you to let me know it'll be okay? When I'm sick, where are you to take care of me? When I'm happy, where are you to be happy with me? I don't get it. You're suppose to be here for me. Don't you want that? Don't you miss me?
Does it even hurt that you're not in my life? Because it should. I hope it does hurt. You'd be lucky to be able to call me your daughter because I'm a great person but you wouldn't know. I'll never understand how any parent could not be apart of their child's life no matter what the circumstances are. Nothing in this world should be able to stop you. I guess if you really wanted to be in my life, I wouldn't be writing this right now.
I hope you think about me. I hope you wish you wouldn't of left. I miss you. I hope you're doing okay and I hope someday you'll find a way to try to make it all up to me but good luck with that because it'll be hard.