Every year, when winter rolls around, I have those friends who get so excited: Christmas! Snow! Who doesn't love the holidays? OK, so the holidays are nice. And even I can admit that having a white Christmas is great. But overall, winter is not. Here's why:
1. Snow
When you're eight, snow is awesome. You get bundled up in snow pants, make forts, go sledding... it's a great time. Lots of fun. But then you get older, and get a car, and snow is no longer a joyful thing. You have to shovel, and shovel some more, and get soaked doing so. There's no time to play! It's work, driving in the snow, shoveling yourself out, etc. It's just not fun.
2. Frost
I'm bitter about what winter does to my car. Frost means scraping your car off in the morning, blasting the defrosters, and hoping that you aren't late to wherever you need to be. (Hint: You will be. No matter how early you go outside to scrape the ice off of your car, you will be late.)
3. Black ice
Ice is bad enough. Now let's have it blend into the road so you can't see it. Great. Way to go, winter.
4. Cold
Do people really enjoy walking out of their warm house into a tundra? Winter turns people into moving Popsicles.
5. ...it's just bad.
It's just not a good season, people. It's cold and wet and, oh, that's right, COLD. It's a hassle to live through a winter (especially our lovely, inconsistent New York winters). It may be a nice season for kids, but as adults, it just sucks. So don't try to sell me on the "joy of the season." I know the truth!