I always preferred Winter, and I really don’t know why. Although I was born in late Spring, there was just something about the cold and snow that always made me feel at peace. Even with the slush and ice, it was always my favorite season.
I know that no one really likes being cold, but at least you could do something about it. You can cover yourself up with a jacket, gloves, and a hat. Can you really cover yourself up in Summer? When it’s blazing hot? Plus, layering is so much cuter in my opinion. I do like my Keds and Converse, but I always feel so much cuter in some leggings and boots. And how can I forget about sweaters? Sweaters are my favorite clothing item, whether it be ugly Christmas sweaters or just big sweaters that I buy for myself or steal from someone (my boyfriend).
There are so many different holidays during the Winter time that you can experience, not just Christmas. There’s Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, Yule, and Saturnalia. You can read about them and how to celebrate them here. We should embrace all these holidays and be happy we live in a diverse world. And just for the record, there is nothing PC about saying “happy holidays” instead of “merry Christmas”. Don’t be a jerk. There are various holidays during this time of year, so we should celebrate them ALL.
With the many holidays, it brings time to spend with family. Being a daughter of divorced parents, it can sometimes be a little hard because you don’t exactly know who to be with. But whoever you’re with, it’s always nice being around family that you love or maybe haven’t seen in awhile.
This is something that I cannot get over. Being Mexican, we always make tamales and pozole during the holiday season, and it goes on for weeks! It’s pretty much all we eat, and I do not care about how much weight I probably gain.
I have a thing for snow in all honesty. I love playing in it, throwing it, being thrown in it. My lovely boyfriend has a thing for always pushing me in the snow whenever we’re walking together. But if you’re from the south or somewhere warm where it never snows, I feel incredibly sorry for you. There’s nothing better than a white Christmas (for those that celebrate it, of course).
You can’t tell me there is no better season than Winter because I will definitely disagree with you, no matter what.