Winter is approaching and that means the semester is almost over, Christmas is around the corner, and winter break will be your total relaxation period. Because, you know, school. But on another note, here are a few reasons as to why winter is the best!
1. Snow
If you live in a place that snows, then you know about snow. Yes, it’s cold, but its snow. You literally can embrace your inner child and play in the snow.
2. Hot Chocolate
CHOCOLATE?! Yes. Hot Chocolate. How can you turn down Hot Chocolate?!
3. Perfect Cuddle Weather
Grab a loved one or your pet and cuddle away! You’ll be warm in no time.
4. Perfect for movie nights
It’s really snowing one night? And you’re with your friends? Perfect! Put on some Netflix and have a movie night.
5. Snow Ball Fights
Do I even need to explain?
6. Just laying around
You literally don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to go out.