They say to stop being disappointed, you have to stop expecting things from people. While that does sound like a foolproof plan, I'm not quite buying into it. I will not apologize for expecting the same from you as I do for myself and as you expect from me.
While expecting too much from the wrong people can lead to disappointment, can you imagine a world without expectations? What if your university didn't expect your professors to be on time to your lecture? What if your mom wasn't expected to answer the phone when you call her? What if you didn't have self-expectations? I'm sure some of you are thinking that sounds like heaven, but I'm sure others understand what I am getting at. Without expectations you leave yourself vulnerable to getting stuck on the "whatever happens, happens" train. Granted we are not powerful beings who can control every detail and outcome in life, but expectations of yourself and of others pave a way for you to create the best life that you can.
If you set yourself to a higher standard and demand the same thing from those around you, then you surround yourself with the people who are going to lift you higher, encourage you to work harder and get you to the life that you want. That is the root of love and there is no deep disappointment without deep love.
I do hold myself to higher standard because I do not want to sit back and watch life happen to me. I will work hard every single day so that I become the best person, employee, leader, friend and daughter that I possibly can be. I will not make excuses and I will not accept excuses when you continuously fail to rise to the occasion.
Yes, I expect a lot from myself and I hope that you do the same. However, from you, all I ask for is honesty, support and love. All of which I will happily extend to you, and all of which are the bare foundation of family and friendship.
I will be there for you, but when the day comes that you can't be there for me for the thousandth time. I will walk away. I will walk away not hurt you, but because I cannot expect myself to deal with the same disappointment over and over again. That is not what is best for either of us, and I will not apologize for expecting the same things from you as you expect the same from me.
If you want my respect, respect me. If you want my trust, be someone worth trusting. If you want my time, then be there and I will give it to you. I will always expect myself to be there for the people I love and care about, but I will not expect myself to be continuously disappointed by those who cannot do the same for me.
That is how you rid your life of toxic relationships, and that is how you create the life you have always wanted.