Imagine yourself at a party. You were able to fit into your skinny jeans tonight, so it's shaping up to be a good, no, a great night. You're dancing on an elevated surface with your best friend and several strangers—feeling good, feeling free. Then, one of these strange girls asks you the WORST question every single woman who's a part of a sorority hates hearing:
“So, what house are you in!?"
Oh. My. Freaking. God. This situation ends in two ways: Either this girl responds with something like “Oh, that's cool," in an I'm-better-than-you-at-everything-there-ever-was kind of tone. THE WORST. Or the “OMG, REALLY!? That's so awesome!" and immediately starts to hate you. Still, just as terrible.
Lemme get this straight: I don't know you, YET you are going to base an entire opinion about me because of the letters on my house. Oh, okay okay. Makes Sense.
Pause. No.
I have so much to say to all of you that still askcare what house other girls are in. Listen ladies, I get it. We are always wearing our letters, blah, blah, blah, but c'mon! We are out trying to have a good time, make some bad decisions and then regret those decisions in the morning. None of us are trying to be on time and not be wearing last night's makeup for our 8 a.m.
See? We all have the same goals here.
All sororities have their stereotypes because we are group of women and not everything is going to be rainbows and butterflies with an ending like Mean Girls. Gossiping is in our DNA, give us a break. Okay, maybe not, but I like to blame someone for the need to gossip. All comradery aside, we've really got to stop looking at other women who are a part of our Greek system as above or below us. What is this ranking system even based on? Which sorority has the prettiest girls? Drinks the most? Because I'm pretty sure that does not tell you anything about a girl's character. Do we need another "I have a Dream" speech for you for you to understand that we should each be judged by the content of our character and not by the house we've been initiated into? We have all been lucky enough to be a part of something that bonds us to over 100 other women, so what really makes one sorority different from another? Oh, yeah! Nothing.
We are a year away from possibly having a woman president, ladies. Get over yourselves.
Honestly, my advice to you beautiful sorority women who have worked hard and are proud of the chapter you're in (which you should be!), answer her with pride and walk away. Your house does not define the woman that you are or who you will become in years to come. But she'll figure that out when she has to trade her letters in for blazers and pencil skirts, because really, nobody cares if you were an Alpha Beta Gamma for four years. They just don't.
And as for the handsome gentlemen, they're still going to creepily follow you around and try to take you home, no matter what house you're in. Not that we like that either, but hey, I appreciate how much you guys literally don't care.