Love it or hate it, for some odd reason we always find ourselves coming back to it...
Many Lakers are counting down the days and truly looking forward to coming back (or even coming for the first time) to Grand Valley State University. Whether it's the environment, the people, or the activities, GVSU is our home away from home and us Lakers have a number of different reasons why it means much more to us than we may think. Because, for some reason, whenever we leave for the summer there are a lot of things we miss, and many things we're excited to come back to come welcome week.
1. We can't wait to take a deep breath of that good ol' Allendale smell...
2. There are some pretty great Pokemon lurking around campus, or so I've heard.
3. You've been craving those world-renowned "Laker Bowls" for months now.
4. You can't wait to swing on the "Wrecking Ball" (but not really, because it's supposedly under "video surveillance" now. Thanks, Miley Cyrus...).
5. You can't wait to pretend you remember that person that said hi to you as you pass them on campus.
6. You can't wait to get uncomfortably close on the 50.
7. Two words: tailgate season.
8. You can't wait to add to your selfie collection with probably the coolest college president around.
9. You've been dreaming of the day you can have ice cream for breakfast again at Fresh, or practically have whatever you want, and then some.
10. You always feel like something is missing back home when you don't hear a giant clock tower at every part of the day.
11. You've had enough of your biological family. It's time for your Laker family.
12. You can't wait to fight for a parking spot once more.
13. You're been ready to move back and have freedom finally.
14. You're ready to avoid all the tabling in Kirkhof at all costs.
15. From Evolve to the new and improved 48th Avenue, you're ready to see how much has changed.
Overall, you always take the good with the bad and countdown the days until you are yet again reunited with your fellow Lakers ready to take on another year at GVSU.
Because Lakers for a lifetime always find their way back home.