Imagine a world where there are endless modes of fun, in addition to cleverly disguised sources of real life preparation, all of which children find not only interesting, but also entertaining. As you might have guessed from the particularly poignant word choice contained within the description, such a place already exists! So stop shaming people for using it!
Webkinz World is both a fantastic creation that was far ahead of its time and a potentially perfect immersion into processes integral to adult life. Interior design. Caring for young. Applying for jobs and having the proper prerequisites. Saving and properly spending money. Creatively developing strategies. A large selection of those skills are outside the realm of capability for even some modern age adults. The fact that kids are able to essentially teach themselves these abilities through usage of a source that they say purely as fun is both impressive and lacking the support it deserves.
Consider the question: What is the bill of rights? The first 10 constitutional amendments. Yes, students will learn this fact at some point in their schooling years, however, they also have access to it from a much earlier age thanks to the expansive archive of informative trivia held within Quizzy's Question Corner. If that is not convincing enough, how many people know which piece of Aztec sculpture was rediscovered on 17 December, 1790? Spoiler alert, the answer is anyone who answered the calendar trivia on that day in 2016.
Some were taught to care for 67 virtual pets! Not that anyone owned 67 webkinz... Yes, it's an oddly specific number, but it definitely did not come from experience. Anyone capable of administering care to 67 real pets, step up to the front - you, too, have the real life skills that Webkinz distributes so flawlessly.
In conclusion, the 'games' present in Webkinz World prove themselves as a borderline essential aid simply by existing. From the marketing skills learned by saving money to purchase food and furniture from the W shop, to the time management skills developed by planning when to visit the site and participate in the best of the scheduled daily activities, Webkinz World is a better advice coach than some peoples' best friends.