It's the age of technology. Many people are now using tablets to download and read books. People are also using their phones and laptops to read and do research. It seems that, whether our teachers are happy about it or not, people are reading less and less paperback books and are instead relying more and more on technology.
So why on earth do we still have libraries?
The answer: because they are still important. People still use libraries almost daily. A lot of people, like me, still prefer paperback books. Also, most teachers still require their students to use library books as resources. In fact, way back in the eighth grade, I was required to use two library books as resources for my final paper. Today, my professors still have me use library books as references (although, I can and do look them up on the library's website and read them online).
There's more use to libraries. Not everyone can afford a fancy tablet, or a nice phone, or a functional computer. There are some kids who actually have to go to the library in order to do their homework. Or they just have to go to a library in order to actually read a book, period.
Today, besides doing school work, I use the library to help prevent me from getting distracted. I consider my dorm an area where I can sit back, relax, and not focus on school (at least for a while). Plus, there's other people in my dorm. Although I have the luxury of not having a roommate, I still have many friends who hang out in our dorm's lounge. Often, I bring my homework out there, but end up socializing with them and either get little done, or do not understanding the material. Even when I'm listening to music, I still find myself getting distracted by social media.
The library, however, completely changes that. At the library, my mind goes into work mode. I'm not there to socialize; I'm there to work. I find myself focusing more on my work and less on my friends and social media. I have talked to people who think the same way. In fact, basically every person I meet encourages it.
Libraries can also be centers for the community. I know my town's library has a lot of events. I remember going to a shadow puppet shows and presentations on different animals when I was a kid. My town's library still does these types of things, all in the name of educating children and adults alike.
People seem to be relying on technology for reading and researching more and more these days. But libraries, are still important and necessary. They are calming environments, and can help underprivileged kids develop a love of reading and learning. With all things considered, I think libraries will always be important.