We’ve all done it. We see something or someone that we like and say “dibs!”, as if calling out that you want it will automatically make it yours. But here’s the problem with calling dibs, whatever you’re claiming isn’t really yours, not yet.
If what you’re putting your name on is a human being, that’s really a problem. You can’t own a person! And you definitely can’t take away their right to reject you. Just because you like them, does not mean that they like you. Crazy, right? While this sounds like something we learn in elementary school, there are people who still can’t grasp this concept. It’s kind of like calling out “shotgun” before you reach the car. If someone else gets to the front seat before you, what are you going to do about it? Is your name really written on that seat? No, so be a grown-up and sit in the back.
Really, all of this goes back to people thinking that we own or deserve everything, also known as egocentrism or the attitude that “it’s all me me me me me.” It’s why kids don’t want to share their toys and why adults call dibs, we want everything we see. So next time you’re about to call “dibs,” “shotgun,” or “mine,” think for a second about whether what you want is actually something you can have or if you’re just trying to claim yet another thing.