Of course when thinking of a Disney movie, most heroes come to mind. You picture their traits which seem to embody all that you desire: their bravery, their kindness, and their crazy sense of adventure. But sometimes, the bad guys seem to teach you most about the world, with their successes and even their failures too.
Here is a list of invaluable life lessons provided by Disney’s top villains:
1. If you want a job done well, don't delegate, do it yourself. The Emperor's New Groove is my all time favorite movie and of course harboring my favorite villain, Yzma. Yzma teaches us that if you’re going to delegate a job to someone, make sure they’re up for it or just do it yourself. This is a lesson that Snow White's stepmother learned well after the Huntsman failed to bring her Snow White's heart, she decided to poison the girl herself. But Yzma, the wanna-be empress of "The Emperor's New Groove," relies on her lackey Kronk again and again, even though he clearly doesn't have a taste for Kuzco killing. Maybe she should have done it herself, or found someone more ruthless. Then again, maybe she just should have been more appreciative of Kronk's spinach puffs. In our lives, if you want a job done well, don’t ask someone else to do it for you. If there is a certain way you want it done, just do it yourself. Trust me it helps in the long run, if you ask someone to do assignments for you, know that the grade won’t be as good if you had just done it yourself.
2. Always consider how new changes may affect you. Genie in a Bottle? Jafar from "Aladdin" taught us to consider big life decisions carefully. Where Scar forgot that power comes with responsibility, Jafar forgot that power sometimes comes with new boundaries. Maybe if he had taken a moment to weigh the pros and cons of turning into an evil genie, he might have gotten to rule Agrabah for more than five seconds. Getting that big promotion looks good on paper, but have you considered its limitations? Before accepting something that has all the right aspects, take some time to really delve into how it will affect the rest of your life. The big move or the new job may sound so enticing, but will it limit you elsewhere?
3. Never give up on your dreams. Captain Hook, from "Peter Pan," could have been the typical pirate that could have spent his days pillaging, ravaging, and drinking rum and no one would have batted an eye. But the only thing that he ever sought out to do was to defeat Peter Pan. Captain Hook could have given up and let Peter Pan live out his boyhood life, but instead he pursued his dream to catch him until the day he faced the mouth of the crocodile. We all have hopes and dreams and Captain Hook teaches us that while you may lose a hand along the way, you should never quit pursuing the things you hope for.
4. Always love your body. Ursula, from the "Little Mermaid," sets a positive example in the world of accepting your appearance. Out of all the female villains Disney has generously graced our presence with, Ursula has the greatest body image. She may not be a size zero or a size two, but out of all the villains and heroines, Ursula is by far the most confident. She is sexy, she is glamorous, and she shows off her beautiful curves without ever apologizing. She is the iconic spokesperson for all of us born without the perfect “princess body.” Her comfort, confidence, and satisfaction with her body shows us that we should always love and appreciate what God has given us, no matter what size we are.
5. Never Settle. Cruella Deville, from the "101 Dalmatians," is the perfect example of the great saying "Go Big or Go Home." Sometimes in life we want things that are so great that they seem out of reach and we just settle for less than what we dreamed for. Not Cruella Deville. She was a lover of fur and anything couture and always had to have the next best thing. When she first put her eyes on dalmatian puppies, she soon dreamed of the idea of wrangling up 101 of them and making the perfect spotted coat. Let’s not ever forget that killing puppies is the most cruel thing anyone can ever think of, but one must say she does teach a pretty solid lesson. Her intentions were completely evil and horrible but luckily those adorable spotted creature escaped the skinny fingers of the most evil person alive. All of us have ambitions and goals, but how many are willing to raise the bar as high as Cruella did at one hundred and one? This Disney villainess teaches us to always shoot for the stars (or spots) and never settle for less than what you dream for.
6. Always have a friend that is completely honest with you. When thinking of the movie "Snow White," the single phrase, “Mirror mirror on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all?” seems to come to mind. The Evil Queen always relied on her mirror for the assurance of her beauty and the power that it gave her, but it always spoke the truth. The story goes that one day the Evil Queen asked her oh so famous question and of course they mirror didn’t hold back. For once, her beauty was outshone by the gorgeous snow white and the mirror gave her the honest answer she asked for. We all need a friend like that. We need someone to tell us that the high-waisted shorts should be put back in the drawer and that the bright red lipstick doesn’t fit with our skin tone. We need someone to tell us that the guy we’re talking to is a jerk and we need someone to tell us that we’re going to be working at McDonald’s for the rest of our life if we can’t pass a simple college algebra test. If you have a friend like this, they are definitely a keeper.
7. Own your awkward side. The Evil Stepsisters from the movie "Cinderella," were tall, gangly, and clumsy. They were anything but graceful, but they owned it. While other girls dance with poise on the ball room floor and sing with their soft sweet voices, the stepsisters squeal and squawk their way through life without ever trying to become someone else. Whether we have a terrible singing voice, two left feet, a loud laugh, or just a habit of breaking things, those imperfections are what make us who we are. We can’t all be perfect like Cinderella is. Some of us have to be the Anastasias and the Drizellas of the world. As long as we own our awkward sides, we will always be true to ourselves. You are your own person and trying to become someone else destroys the qualities that make each of us unique.
8. Stop procrastinating. Maleficent, from "Sleeping Beauty," was quite the procrastinator. With all the useless curses and displays of magic, if Maleficent wanted Aurora dead, she should have killed her instantly instead of waiting 16 years to try. Anyone who has the power to turn themselves into a giant, but fabulous, dragon, shouldn’t have to kill someone with something as senile as a spinning wheel. We all have succumbed to the pressures of procrastination, putting off that eight page essay to the night before it’s due, or trying to bribe someone into doing it for you. But take it from Maleficent, waiting till the absolute last minute doesn’t always seem to work out in the end.
9. Don’t be envious of others. Everyone has that big shot person in their life that they should look up to, but they can’t help but be a little jealous of. Crazy Uncle Scar from "The Lion King" taught us that being envious of others and the positions they hold sometimes ruins the way you look at the world and the way it looks at you in return. Scar was always jealous of bigger, stronger Mufasa, his not so little brother, but by being envious and only wanting the power his brother held as king, he failed to see the responsibility it took to be in charge. By killing his brother and leaving Simba to die, Scar took charge, but as it shows he didn’t know how to lead, causing the land to grow desolate and for animals to starve. With our lives, jealousy never seems to get you far. Whether it’s someone’s life, their house, their job, or their spouse, being jealous of others does nothing for you in the end. Don’t be envious of someone else’s life. Be the best you, you can be. If you always work hard, your life will be so much easier and so much more enjoyable.
They are malicious, they’re monstrous, and they make the worst step parents ever, but these Disney Villains have the hookup on life advice. If you can get past the murderous scheme-hatching and magic double-crossing, these baddies from your favorite childhood films can be insanely helpful when navigating life beyond the playground.