What does it even mean to actually be a grown-up? Is it defined by an age, education, marital status or the amount of money you have?
From the time a child can talk, people always ask "what do you want to do when you grow up?" One day a child says astronaut and the next, the same child says mailman, president or tiger trainer. No one tells a child that their goals are too big or too hard to accomplish. Children believe they can do anything and everything they want to when they grow up and that is an amazing mindset.
I believe we should never lose that drive to reach even our most incredible goals. You always have something to strive for and there is always more growing up to do.
“Someday you will be old enough to start reading fairytales again.”
― C.S. Lewis
To 12-year-olds, I am a grown up. When I was younger, all I wanted was to do when I grew up was go to OSU and be like the college kids. Now, when people ask me what I want to do when I grow up, I tell them that I don't know. The world is full of possibilities and there is so much I want to do, so why do I have to limit myself to only one thing that I want to do or be when I grow up.
When I grow up,I want to be a college graduate.
I want to be a wife.
I want to be a mom.
I want to help people.
I want to spend some time living in Europe.
I want to create things.
I want to be the best follower of Christ that I can be.
I want to have a career. In what? I don't know. Because the world is full of possibilities and I am going to chase them.
Growing up doesn't mean losing your sense of adventure or your drive to accomplish your dreams. Every day I am more grown up than the day before and I will keep growing up until I'm dead. Why do we only ask children what they want to do when they grow up.
So, what do you want to do when you grow up?