I didn’t support either candidate. Clinton and Trump were both crappy options to me. If Clinton had been a male, I would still have a problem with her actions as well. I’m all for a woman being president, that meme that is going around talking about Ellen for president, that is something I can get behind! However, when it comes to Trump, I didn’t and still don’t agree with the statements he made. Trump is a result of our society though. This society still has racism. Like it or not, sexism is an issue as well. And no, I’m not some cynical feminist whining about how the world hates me because I’m female. Sexism is so ingrained in our society that we don’t even realize it’s sexism. Heterosexism is another issue that is rampant in our society. There are so many “isms” that are an issue in today’s society that people blind themselves to because it doesn’t directly affect them.
Trump could shock us all and do great things. He could prove a lot of people right and fail completely. We don’t know what will happen. What I can tell you is this behavior didn’t just start. It has been a problem, but now people are realizing who among them are actually racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. People are scared because the behavior now has confidence because it feels it has been sponsored and approved by the man set to lead this country. That is the problem with Trump right now. He may do great things, and there are conspiracies on his motive behind things, but he sparked a movement and it’s not a good one.
I sat in my classes today and listened to my classmates talk about how their families have disowned them because of their political views. Some were physically threatened. Some have been asked if they feel good because someone can “grab their p****”." Others have had their own teachers make racial comments towards them. I watched friends on Facebook condemn and hate publicly. Obviously, not everyone did this, but there doesn’t even need to be one person who does it. It’s not okay.
I’ve seen God brought into this a lot as well. You don’t get to use the bible and God’s word to sponsor or spread your hate and judgement. He wasn’t about that, sorry not sorry. He never gave you the right to judge. Matthew 7:1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.” He told you to love one another with John 13:34. Even if you don’t agree with someone else’s belief, even if it goes against yours, you don’t have the right to tell them they are going to hell. Judging is for God, so if you don’t believe in it, then just love them through your feelings. I have liberal views on Christianity, I understand that and I’m okay with that, but not judging others and loving one another isn’t really something you should misinterpret.
So don’t belittle those who are afraid. In our society today, they have every right to be afraid. We have people thinking it’s okay to grab a woman, we have them spouting racial slurs, and we have them outright hating other human beings. I don’t care what candidate you support, that is just one human being, do you not support any other human being though? This country prides itself on being a free country and where every person can be treated equally. Then f***in live up to it. Stand up for those around you who are too afraid to speak against the hate coming at them. No act is too small. No comment isn’t worth the fight. They all add up and create what we have today. Don’t just talk the talk, walk it out.