Trigger Warning: Rape/Sexual assault
Society has made victims of sexual assault too afraid to speak out, due to the fear that no one will believe them, or worse, blame them. How could they not have this fear when it’s being placed upon them by society and given real life confirmation, such as in the Kesha case?
If you look up the definition in the dictionary, rape is “a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration perpetrated against a person without that person’s consent.” When I read that definition, I feel as if it is very clear what rape is. There is no gray area. However, if you ask society’s definition of rape, you’ll get various answers. Some believe the victims ask for it by what they wear. Others believe if they are pleasured by it, it’s not rape. Society as a whole believes if the victim didn’t cry and scream “no,” or even repeatedly yell “rape,” that it wasn’t rape. Society’s definition is nothing but a gray area. Society’s definition is also wrong.
Victims of sexual assault do not ask for it, especially not based on what they wear. Everyone should have the right to wear what makes them feel good about themselves without having to worry that it’s asking for something else. Sexual assault is still sexual assault even if pleasure is felt. Sexual assault is anything without consent. That is black and white right there for you. Either there was a mutual consent between both involved or there wasn’t. Consent is not the absence of a no, consent is the presence of a yes.
It is not easy for the victim of a sexual assault case to come forward. They fear judgement and disbelief. They fear no one will believe them or someone will blame them for it. I wish I could say they are mistaken for believing that. I wish I could say society is better, but I can’t.
The case with Kesha and Dr. Luke is a prime example. Kesha has a lawsuit against her producer and mentor, Dr. Luke. Kesha says Dr. Luke emotionally, mentally, and physically abused her including sexual assault. She gives instances of times Dr. Luke drugged Kesha and she woke up naked and confused in his hotel room the next morning. She goes on to include his mental abuse that landed her in rehab in 2014 with an eating disorder.
Kesha speaks out and is told by a judge that “granting her request to nullify her contract with Sony would undermine the state’s laws governing contracts, and the court couldn’t do that.” As if being told by the state that you are stuck with your abuser isn’t enough, society has no problem expressing their discouraging opinion towards her as well.
Can I point out one huge thing? Kesha is not even asking for Dr. Luke to go to jail or be punished at all. She is simply asking to not have to work with him anymore after all the pain he caused her and she is denied that request. What does this portray to victims of sexual assault? Simply, this case discourages speaking out and encourages a rape culture. That is sad and disgusting.
Whether you are a Kesha fan or not, I encourage you to support Kesha because what if someone you love becomes a victim tomorrow and this is the kind of reactions they are seeing. I doubt they will reach out for “support.” Whether you agree with Kesha brushing her teeth with a bottle of Jack Daniels or not, be a light for victims of sexual assault.