For anyone who doesn't know, I spend most of my time engulfed in service. Service is the epitome of who I am. I don't serve and I don't give because I want to help people, because I want the gratification, or because someone is telling me to. I serve because of privilege. I serve because I am privileged.
Service isn't meant for one person to help another. That would be the exact opposite actually. When you say that you are serving to help someone what you are actually saying is that you are better than they are and that they NEED you. This is totally wrong. In fact, you may even need THEM. You are asserting your privilege over someone in this way and that isn't what service is about.
Privilege is a sticky situation. It is something unspoken. Most of us don't like to talk about the fact that we are more privileged than others, and that is because we don't want to accept it. But once you accept that there are privileges that you have that others don't-- once we all do this-- the world will be that much better of a place.
Privilege is everywhere and we all have it in some form. If you are reading this thinking, who is she to tell me I have privilege, no I don't, YES you do. The fact that you are reading this online article means that you either pay for internet or have access in some form through different technologies which is a privilege not everyone has.
For me, my privileges are apparent and non apparent, as are everyone's. I am white, I am a college student, I have both of my parents and they are still married, I have a roof over my head, food to eat, etc. Economically, I am not the most privileged, but certainly more privileged than others. I don't have the privilege of not having to work my way through college but I do have the privilege of knowing where my next meal is coming from and when.
So why am I going on and on about privilege? Because it is important. Recognizing your privileges and accepting them will then (hopefully) lead you to want to work toward everyone having those privileges. Food security doesn't seem like a privilege but it is. There are so many people around us who are food insecure and that is not okay. Some say service is not for everyone, but I say they're wrong. Service is for everyone-- everyone who is grounded enough to recognize privilege and inequality. I can't preach it enough. Service is something we all need to be doing because we all have privileges that others deserve but do not have. So stop serving because "it makes you feel good" and start serving to close the enormous gap of inequality in our country and in our world. Not everyone have been as fortunate as you have in whatever aspects that may be and it's time we take the steps toward ending that. What you take for everyday life is not so for someone else. Serve because you need to, not because you want to, not because you have to.
So, my charge to everyone reading this is to take some time, tonight, tomorrow, whenever, but the sooner the better. Take some time and think about what privileges you have, recognize them, accept them, and then do something. Let that gap between what your reality is and what another's reality is missing and let that light your fire. Let that spark your passion for service and get out there and serve. Service is a life changing act. It changes you, it changes those you are serving and serving alongside, and it changes the world--the future. Serve because you need to, because you have privileges that everyone deserves to have. Serve because privilege is just a fancy way of saying inequality. Strive for equality. Serve because we all deserve equality. Serve because it's necessary. If not you, then who?
I serve because I have privilege, will you?