When our significant others ask what's wrong, we tend to say, "nothing." Ladies and Gentlemen, if you can't figure out why and feel your significant other won't give you an actual response, I've used this forum to list a few reasons why:
1. Nothing is wrong
Sometimes, there really is nothing wrong. We're human! We get moody too! There may not be anything wrong at all, it just comes across that way. If this is the case, just leave them alone and give space. Although it can take some time, be patient. They'll be back to normal before you know it.
2. They don't want to talk about it at that moment
I'm guilty of letting my feelings bottle up inside and I know I can't be the only one. When something is bothering them and they really don't want to talk, don't expect an answer. If it's important enough, they'll eventually talk to you about it. You may have caught them at the wrong time... it happens.
3. They think you already know
They occasionally say nothing when they think you already know what's bothering them. If you did or said something undeniably stupid, they believe you should realize and make note of that. They think you should know what you did to upset them. In this case, take a step back, think about the events that occurred throughout the day. If you think of something that you did that may have pissed them off, odds are that it's what is bothering them.
4. They just want to forget about it
Not often, but sometimes, they just want to drop it altogether. They want to forget about it and move on without talking about it first. It may not be the healthiest way to handle things, but it happens. Your best bet here is to just let it go.
5. They're waiting to explode (...in this case, RUN!)
Tick, Tock. This is the point where time is running out for you to figure out what you did. If you're really in the doghouse and they won't budge, you may have done something to seriously upset them. Be careful what you say. They're just waiting for you to say something dumb so they can finally rip you a new one. In this case, there are two options: 1) Get down on your knees, apologize and beg for forgiveness or 2) RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN BECAUSE THEY'RE GONNA EXPLODE AND ALL OF THAT BOTTLED UP ANGER IS GONNA COME OUT!