I love using social media as much as the next person, but I think it’s time that we stop subposting all the time. I’ll be on Facebook or Twitter and see a vague post about some drama in someone’s life followed by a string of comments that usually creates more drama. Why did we start doing this? Do we actually think this is going to help us solve any problems that we have? I think not.
Here’s why these posts annoy me: they’re usually written by the same people who claim to hate drama but continue to exhibit behaviors that attract drama in their life. I will admit that I used to post similar kinds of things on social media when I was in middle school, but as I got older I realized how immature I was being and decided to stop being passive aggressively vague online. Sure enough, unnecessary problems in my social life significantly decreased. I have relayed these findings to the people who subpost and yet they still continue to do the same thing while expecting different results.
Another issue with constant subposting is that it can affect future education or job opportunities. As the daughter of business owners, I can guarantee that employers look at the social media accounts of potential employees. So, of course, it’s important to be conscious of what you post, because it’s always going to be out there. On more than one occasion, I have seen posts complaining about specific issues at their job. This is not something that makes a business want to hire a person. I know that I am not the only person who is friends with my employers or coworkers on Facebook, so complaining about work online obviously isn’t a smart idea.
While I understand that we use these accounts to connect with the people around us and stay updated with the happenings of each other’s lives, I think that a certain level of decorum is necessary. Every now and again I think about posting something vague or passive aggressive, but I have to remind myself that being petty will get me absolutely nowhere. I mean let’s be honest here, how many problems were ever solved by being indirect about the issue? Absolutely none of them. There have been so many online fights that I’ve seen that would have never happened if either person had directly made an effort to resolve it instead of making a vague post online. So, friendly reminder to all my social media lovers out there, chill with your subposting… you’ll thank me later.