The Earth is drowning in our mistakes. For years, humans have destroyed the Earth with their own hands. Now, we owe it to the Earth to reverse these mistakes. We are blessed to live on an earth with plentiful resources and beautiful views, but these resources are not unlimited and these views can be destroyed quicker than you would think. The environment is in distress and it's all humanities fault.
There are a variety of actions we can take to help give the Earth some love.
1. Educate yourself on the issue.
Without educating myself on the issue, I wouldn't know that because of humans, we are living in an environment that is so highly polluted, the government has deemed it as harmful to our health. I wouldn't have known that the United States uses about 30 percent of the worlds resources, when we only need an estimated 5 percent.
2. Recycle.
Recycling is important for a multitude of reasons. The amount of waste distributed throughout the world is rapidly increasing, and with the help of recycling, this amount can be lowered. When we pollute or drop our trash off at landfill sites, harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases are being released into the air.
3. Eat a Vegetarian or Vegan diet.
Although incredibly controversial, eating a Vegetarian or Vegan diet is one of the biggest ways one can help save the environment. By consuming meat and other animal products, humans are contributing to climate change, rain forest destruction, pollution and excess water usage. According to Choose Veg, an organization dedicated to raising awareness on the issue, "nearly 80% of land deforestation in the Amazon is now used as cattle pasture".
4. Change household light bulbs.
Just the simple action of changing your standard light bulb to an LED light bulb can save the Earth from further problems. This small act of changing the light bulb will equal to removing an estimated 150,000 green house gases from being emitted into the air.
5. Plant trees.
Plant a tree anywhere. Hundreds of trees are cut down each year in order to make room for other "necessities," typically being buildings, animal pastures and paper products. Plant a tree, even if it is just one in your backyard, the one tree you planted will make up for the one we will lose tomorrow.
6. Take less baths/shorter showers.
After a long, stressful day a warm bubble bath seems like the perfect fix. As relaxing and aesthetically pleasing as they may be, you're wasting a ton of water. When you're in the shower, don't spend 30 minutes standing under the water, and turn the water off when you're brushing your teeth. These simple changes can drastically help the planet.
The Earth is hurting and it needs our help. We have caused all of Earths problems, the least we could do is recycle once in a while. We live on a beautiful planet that everyone that should live in years to come deserves to experience.