It seems that at a least once a week I log on to Twitter to find out another celebrity has been cancelled. This idea of cancelling comes from today's cancel culture. Cancel culture is defined as a popular practice of withdrawing support for public figures and companies after they have done something considered objectionable or offensive. Some celebrities that have been publicly cancelled include Demi Lovato, Kanye West and Jeffree Star. Often when you see these public cancellations on Twitter or Facebook, nothing results from it. It trends for a few hours before being forgotten about and then recycling back a few months later.
Many celebrities have commented on the idea of being cancelled. About a week ago, Demi Lovato commented on today's cancel culture in an interview with Jameela Jamil. She said that she doesn't believe that it is real and that she has been cancelled so many times that she can't even keep track anymore. She also supported this idea by saying that these trending hashtags and cancellations don't affect her anymore.
As Lovato said cancelling someone on Twitter doesn't accomplish anything. It doesn't affect them. So what does public cancellation do? Nothing, if anything it promotes the spread of hate among social media platforms. Rather than feeling the need to cancel these celebrities publicly, why don't people just cease to support them. There's nothing wrong with choosing not to support a celebrity because of an action they did or said; however, there is no need to publicly cancel them. By publicly cancelling them, you are doing nothing more than continuing to spread their name and hate. So next time you see the trending hashtags about someone being over or cancelled, just choose to ignore it.