Do you ever have the travel itch? The urge to just not be where you are? I can honestly say that I have. There are many benefits to traveling and, if you are privileged enough to have the opportunity, I recommend you take it.
Traveling can help you to de-stress. If your current environment is too anxiety filled, take a break and a trip to somewhere else. Either somewhere you feel comfortable or a place that is completely new to you. For example, if the college drama is too much, take a weekend to go home or go on an adventure with some non-toxic friends. Planning and organizing for a trip is also a good way to calm yourself down when you are feeling overwhelmed. Making a list of what you need, packing a bag, and determining a route can easily be thought provoking enough to get your mind off your current troubles.
Traveling is also a way to get outside of your own social bubble. Going somewhere new and unfamiliar can give you the opportunity to branch out and, if you are an introvert like me, can force you to interact with new and different types of people. You may surprise yourself with the friends you make.
Travel can open your eyes to new cultures and other ways of life. May as well use your travel adventure to the fullest and experience a different way of living. Try staying in a hut or a tent. Try living without internet or electronics. Try foraging for your own food. Try paying money to use a public restroom. The overall message here is to TRY. Be a little different and explore something extraordinary.
My sister used her travel time to delve into our religion and heritage by visiting Israel with Birthright. I chose to take my free time and traverse several European countries. What will you choose to do when you travel?
"Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience." - Francis Bacon