Maybe you've had your best friend for years, or maybe you've just started this glorious friendship with someone new, but whatever the time period, best friends are one of the greatest joys life can bring. A soulmate in friend form, there's honestly no one else I'd rather spend my life with. So whether they are right beside you or live miles away, there are many things we love that make that friend the best of the best. To those wonderful human beings, here is why we love you:
1. You are trustworthy and I know I can tell you anything.
I've told you my secrets and you love me in spite of them. You're there to be excited with me over a new crush that I can't tell anybody, and you are always there to listen about anything.
2. With you, I can be completely myself.
I'm never embarrassed about any of my passions, whether they be my love of cheesy kid's TV shows or my super secret crush that I've never told anyone about. You bring out this enthusiastic, fun-loving side of me and with you I'm the me that I always want to be.
3. You’re so funny!
You can always make me laugh, whether I'm having a bad day or we are just hanging out like always!
4. You’re never boring.
I mean, I hang out with you all the time and still get excited when I see you texted me or want to hang out again. We could literally just drive around doing nothing all day and I'd still have a good time. Plus we play the cheesiest pop music and sing it at the top of our lungs while we drive, and who else can I do that with?
5. You’re spontaneous.
There doesn't have to be hours of planning involved, like with my other friends or my family. We just want to do things, so we do them. And we do them together, so it's way more fun.
6. Our inside jokes and silent communication.
Awkward situations are made 1000 times funnier when we're together.
7. You are always considerate of my feelings and overall health.
You ask me how I'm doing, you allow me to vent, you help me find solutions, and you support me so well. Even when you're going through your own crisis, you make the time to ensure I'm okay. Plus if I'm not eating enough, falling into unhealthy habits, or just making some really poor choices, you're there to reel me in or bring it to my attention.
8. You’re an amazing role model.
I look up to you so much, from your confidence to your fashion sense to your generosity, you inspire me to be the best version of myself that I can be.
I know there are countless other things we love about our best friends that didn't make it on this list, but overall they are just people we appreciate and we adore. So let your best friend know every once and awhile how much you love them, because they just make life so much better.