After the first “Despicable Me” movie came out, there was a rush of support for the little yellow minions who stole everyone's heart. However, as the franchise has continued to grow there is a divided amount of support and outright hatred for the little pill-shaped creatures.
There are people who, while they loved the first movie, feel the minions took over the adorable story line between Gru and his girls. And yes, that seems to be true, but the storyline was still what made the movie. After “Despicable Me 2” hit theaters, the same obsession with the minions came about, so much so that they now have their own movie which premiered July 10. The minions have taken over.
While I believe that the minions provide great comedic relief for a children's movie, it is possible that Universal Pictures is capitalizing on their little banana-loving monsters. The storyline for the new “Minions” movie has some plot holes—in “Despicable Me” it was stated that Gru created all of his minions, but in the new film, before they found Gru, they were looking for the most evil master to work for. So, that alone brings up questions of continuity when it comes to plot. If we are to give the writers the benefit of the doubt, maybe it’s possible that both are true—though doubtful.
However, the “Minions” movie does give audiences exactly what they are looking for: the hilarious antics of the minions. While not as good as the “Despicable Me” movies (Rotten Tomatoes rated it at just two-and-a-half stars), “Minions” appeals to viewers of all ages and has appeared on everything from billboards, to commercials, to paper towels, which may be where some of the annoyance of parents is coming from. They can’t escape the minions. But, they are adorable aren’t they?
“Minions” is also featuring a large cast of celebrities including Sandra Bullock and Steve Carell, which ups the ante in terms of expected quality. But these voices are only supporting characters compared to the minions as they all attempt to take over the world. The real stars of this film are the lovable minions Kevin, Stuart, and Bob as they travel through space and time to save their brothers. As one of the best family movies of the summer, you should try and find the time to take part in their adventures.
Whether you love or hate them, or if you love to hate them, it seems the minions may be here to stay, at least until the next big children's character or movie holds a monopoly on people's hearts and wallets.