1. The music is inspiring.
The Hamilton soundtrack is one of the most uplifting collections of music that I’ve ever listened to. I can promise you that listening to it will most definitely motivate you to be someone great.
2. It’s a celebration of modern multicultural America combined with American history.
I think this is honestly one of the coolest things ever. Although American history is usually just white American history, Hamilton showcases our diversity like no other. No character has a color or a race, they’re just people played by people. It shows that we are a nation of immigrants all bonded by the story of our country, and our love for it and each other.
3. It’s a hip-hop musical.
I can’t be the only one who thinks this is awesome. Don’t get me wrong, I love classic musicals, but there’s something about the rapping and the style of the music that puts this show on an entirely new level. I think the American Revolution was meant to be told through 21st century music.
4. You’re learning history in an entirely different way.
I love history, so I’d learn it any way. But if you don’t enjoy learning history and think it’s boring then this musical is perfect for you. It educates you on the past and the formation of our country in a fun, new and exciting way. Although it’s not 100% accurate, it will lay the foundation for what will most likely be more research and a fascination with Hamilton.
5. You get to personally meet historical figures.
How cool is that!? Learning about history is one thing, but being able to actually meet these characters and hear their personal stories live is glorious.
6. It’s one of the first, and one of the best stories of the American Dream.
Hamilton was an orphaned bastard from an island in the West Indies who managed to sail to New York, go to a fantastic college, become the very first secretary of the treasury, and help create the Constitution. If that isn’t willpower and dedication then I don’t know what is.
7. It shows us that women were a lot more powerful than we thought.
My personal favorite character is Eliza Hamilton because of her immense and enduring strength. I feel like in history classes we’re always told that women had no rights, that they didn’t contribute anything to society at this time besides their housewife skills. Eliza Hamilton proves us all wrong by being basically Hamilton’s most trusted adviser and by starting the VERY FIRST private orphanage in New York City. She was an incredible woman who doesn’t get enough credit in our textbooks.
8. You’re helping to preserve Hamilton’s legacy.
This is what Eliza spent the last fifty years of her life doing. She gave her life to protecting her husbands legacy and this musical is one of the most beautiful things that’s come out of it.
9. Lin Manuel Miranda
I don’t even think I have to say anything for this one besides the fact that Lin is incredible.
10. It’s AMAZING
Even though I haven’t actually seen the show, I know the music by heart and I can promise you it is in fact AMAZING. If you ever have the chance to see it, please take advantage and please take me with you.