What is a "support system"? This is something I had never thought of until I was asked who was my support system while being in the hospital. I kind of looked confused when the nurse asked me this, so she told me that it was who helped me through the bad times in my life. According to the dictionary, a support system is "a network of people who provide an individual with practical or emotional support." I've always had people who have been there for me when I need help, but I never thought of them as a "system." After the nurse left I really started thinking how the people in my life created my own support system.
They care about you!
You always have someone to give you a hug and cheer you up
I have always felt that a hug is like a sense of therapy. When you're in someone's arms and able to completely let out all your emotions to the other person you automatically begin to feel some stress lifted off your shoulders.
They're with you through the good and bad
No matter what, your support system is there for you. From going mini golfing and sporting events to the worst: deaths in the family, medical issues... anything. They will be there to have fun with you and help you through everything you experience.
You always have someone there to listen
When in those bad times, bottling it in isn't okay! You should have someone there to listen and let you express exactly how you're feeling. Being able to vent to someone is such an important thing when going through difficult times.
You can be a part of their support system too
Everyone needs a support system! So, be there for the people who are there for you! Make sure your support system knows that you are always there for them too!
A support system isn't just a friend, they're people who will do absolutely ANYTHING to help you. That means being there for all the fun times, but mainly being there for emotional support when you need help! I just want to take this moment to thank all the people in my life who are in my support system. You truly are my family and I would be lost without you. They're like any other system our bodies have: nervous, digestive, and cardiovascular systems. They're needed to live a healthy life.