When I was 22, a group of Rockland Community College graduates and I started a non-profit called Just Save One. Just Save One is committed to finding solutions for global poverty in underprivileged places around the world. One of the ways we tackle poverty is through solving the problem of unclean water and providing people access to water.
Clean, safe drinking water is scarce in many parts of the world. According to dosomething.org, by 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population — or 5.3 billion people — will suffer from water shortages. 780 million people lack access to an improved water source and sanitation system. Today, nearly one billion people in the developing world don't have access to drinking world. In certain parts of the world, children have to walk and fetch water four miles from their village or school.
Water is the foundation of life. All around the world, far too many people spend their entire day searching for water. Children in developing communities are not finishing school because they do not have enough food and access to clean drinking water. Four hundred and forty-three million school days are lost each year due to water-related issues. It is a proven fact that education is lost to sickness.
My friend always quotes the popular saying, "Water is life." People cannot live without access to water. According to Prezi.com; a online education program, your body is approximately 60% water, your brain 70% and your lungs 90%. Each day, your body replaces 2.4 liters or about 2.5 quarts of water.
Many people around the world do not have access to the daily amount needed for the human body. The United Nations suggest that each person needs about five to 13 gallons of water a day. Children in difficult areas of the world take hours off from school to care for their family by searching for safe drinking water.
Through removing the barriers that cause unclean water and limited access to water, we provide students in underprivileged communities around the world the opportunity to earn a successful education. We provide them supplies and innovation. Our solutions involve provisions of 5000 liter tanks to schools.
Ways that water changes the world:
1. Improves water supply, sanitation and hygiene
2. Reduces death
3. Increases healthy foods and agriculture
4. Improves impoverished communities
5. Increases school attendance
Water is life. By providing water, we are saving lives. By dealing with the issues of diseases and providing quality water, we help ensure sanitation and healthy living to communities.
Water can also improve:
- Health
- Education
- Eradication of poverty
Let us join together and make the water accessible to the world.