Being my first year of college, I get the questions, "What are you majoring in?" and "What do you want to do after college?" Being a 19-year-old who doesn't even have a full year under her belt, I'm not exactly sure what I want to be. One thing I'm sure of though, is I want to be exactly like my mom when I grow up. Here's why.
1. She's my number one fan.
Whether it's a horribly embarrassing fifth grade singing solo (still sorry I made you sit through that one, mom), any sporting event, or anything remotely important to me, she is in the stands cheering me on. Looking up into the stands and seeing her face at every game gave me more comfort than she'll ever know.
2. She is selfless.
She never hesitates to stop what she is doing when I need her. Remember all those times in middle school when you were "sick" and needed her to come get you? My mom always left work and would be there in a second. Needed a parent volunteer? She was the first to sign up. It's still the same to this day.
3. She is honest.
She always gives me her 100 percent honest opinion. Even if she knows it's not exactly what I want to hear, she'll be honest because she has my best interest at heart. Remember when your friends told you that dress looked so good on you? Or you weren't wearing too much makeup? Well, they were lying and your mom was right after all.
4. She is a true friend.
Some of my favorite nights have been laying on the couch watching a movie with my mom rather than going out to a party. She will never bail on you or cancel plans.
5. She is a teacher.
I would not know half of the things I know today without her. She has taught me how to be a strong, kind, and put together women. She has taught me that things do not always go your way, and people will not always treat you right, but you have to pick your head up, dust yourself off, and keep moving forward6. She loves me no matter what.
If your anything like me, you've probably made one mistake in your life. Okay, if your anything like me, you've made a lot of mistakes in your life. My mom has seen me at my absolute best and my absolute worst, and loves me just the same. She would do it all again, diapers and all, just for me.
So thank you, mom. Thank you for constantly inspiring me to be a better person and loving me unconditionally. I take comfort in knowing someone always has my back. Thanks for laughing with me, crying with me, and listening to me. I want to be like you when I grow up someone day. So that I can share with my children all that you've shared with me. There big shoes to fill, but I hope someday I can be at least half the mother you've been to me.