As seniors college decisions pop up on Facebook news feeds and flood Instagram, I began to remember the not-so-long-ago time when I was in the same boat. I, for one, was beyond clueless when applying to colleges. I applied to 21 schools and legitimately had no idea where I wanted to go. However, in all that clutter, I last-minute ended up choosing to attend Wake Forest. At the moment, I was terrified, I constantly wondered “what if I made the wrong choice?” However, throughout my freshman year, I have learned quite the opposite—this year has proved time and time again that Wake Forest was truly the best, and the only, college fit for me. I remember in my deciding process I was constantly comparing statistics. What is school X’s 4 year graduation rate verse school Y’s? I read every cookie-cutter reason few and far between of why I should attend one school over another. However, thinking of the boat I was in last year, I have decided to make a true list of “un-expected reasons” why I chose Wake Forest University, and why you should too.
1. The love of the pit workers
At wake, our main dining hall is referred to as "the pit." (Fun fact: it even has a geo-tag on Snapchat) Not only is love found in the pit's tater-tots, but also in the conversations with each and every member of the pit staff. They always ask how you are doing, and legitimately care for you. Some even ask me about boys and give me advice! I love knowing that whenever I start to miss my family and my home, I have 20 moms waiting for me in the pit to ask me how I am doing.
2. The conversations with the cleaning staff
Whether it's when a member of the cleaning staff literally chased my roommate down to grab a key after I was locked out in a towel, or the constant conversations, the cleaning staff in each dorm room make Wake feel like home. Not only are they here to keep the dorms looking fresh, but also to legitimately care for each and every student. Whenever I am feeling down, I am always greeted by Mike's big smile (a member of my dorm's staff). They care so much about you that one time when I was sick they even offered to pick me up cough drops and tissues at the local CVS. Never have I ever met more kind, selfless people.
3. My inspiring RA
Many times, people have negative views regarding their RA's. A lot of people think they are there just to get them in trouble. However, I was blessed this year with having one such a powerful, inspiring woman as my RA. Coming into freshman year, I was so nervous for the transition, but my RA constantly went out of her way to make us all feel right at home. She keeps an open door policy, constantly brightens my halls day, and even took care of me while I had a concussion. However, it is not merely her capability as an RA that makes her so amazing-- it is the way she carries herself throughout everyday life with such awareness for the world around her. My RA has been so personable and has taught me so much this year, I couldn't imagine having a different RA at any other school.
4. The perfect neighborhood to run in
Right behind the freshman doors is a beautiful neighborhood that is perfect for running in. Whenever I get home-sick, I love to run through the neighborhood. Everyone waves at you like neighbors, and don't worry- there are plenty of places to run slow where no one on campus can see you.
5. Reynolda Village
Wake forest has a beautiful nature path that leads students directly into Reynolda Village. On top of the trail, Reynolda Village has the perfect array of shops just walking distance away. After a stressful day, I love to lesuirly walk into Reynolda and peek into Monkee's and BohoBlu. I also enjoy getting a quick workout on at Pure Barre or Yoga Dogz. Reynolda serves as the perfect little escape complete with beautiful gardens and many food options for when the pit just doesn't cut it.
6. The bonding that occurs within the old walls of the freshman dorms
When I got my dorm assignment the summer before my freshman year, I kind of panicked. I remember thinking, "wait they expect me to fit all of my stuff in that?" as I looked at the dimensions of my room online. However, now I wouldn't change a thing. At Wake, freshman get put in rather old, small dorms. However, this is one of my favorite things about my freshman year. Since our rooms are rather small, no one spends time in them. Rather, we are all out together on the porch soaking up sun or in the lounge laughing and attempting to work on homework. The doors on all the rooms are not those new heavy doors that automatically close, so everyone always keeps their doors open creating an inviting atmosphere to all who enter our hall. My hall mates are some of the most genuine, beautiful, and hilarious people and every day I am thankful that we all choose to practically live together in the lounge rather than behind the closed doors of our rooms.
7. The teachers
I know Wake loves to give out teacher to student ratios, but I am here to say, they are not lying. Not only do I have small classes, but I also have teachers who actually care for you. You are no longer just a number, you are an actual person that they truly care for. Whenever I seem down or like I have had a bad day, my professors always notice and never hesitate to pull me aside and check on me. Whether it's my Spanish professor that somehow transformed one of my least favorite subjects into something I am willing to get up at 8 a.m. for, or my English teacher who I can sit and talk for hours with, or even my Statistics teacher who actually goes out of her way to meet with me once every week to look over homework and answer any questions I may have, the professors here at Wake truly are one in a million.
8. My tutor who actually cares
There is no denying that Wake has its challenging courses. However, they offer free peer to peer tutoring through the LAC. Coming into freshman year, I was a little hesitant about signing up as I did not want to seem like I needed help or was behind, but I quickly found out that legitimately no one cares whether or not you have a tutor. In fact, my tutor has been one of the biggest blessings to me at Wake. She constantly is there for me not just during our sessions, but outside as well. In addition to helping me inside the classroom, she also helps me outside. As I first adjusted to my freshman year she was always there to answer all my embarrassing questions and help me with friend and boy advice. In fact, just last week when I was stressing about class choices, she was one of the first people I texted asking for help as she completely navigated me through choices. I could not imagine how I could survive college without her here at Wake Forest.
9. My First Year Seminar
As Wake Forest is a liberal arts institution, you are able to take many unique courses. One of those courses is called a First Year Seminar. Every freshman takes one, and they are basically writing courses on a wide array of topics. I know friends in Sports First Year Seminars, Night at the museum Seminars, and even Star War's Seminars. Personally, I was put into one called "Thrive: The power of well-being." Although this course was not one that I would have taken had I not had the requirement of an FYS, I could not imagine my life without it. From the first day in class, I knew I was in the right place as our professor greeted us saying "this should be the happiest course you take at Wake Forest." Throughout the course we learned applicable techniques through positive psychology, kept a what went well journal, and even wrote letters of gratitude to people who impacted our lives. That classroom became less like a class and more like a family as we had a small discussion based class room full of new information. Classes like these just can't be found at large-scale universities-- Wake Forest's FYS requirement changed my life for the better and I could not be more thankful for the requirement.
10. There is always something going on
With so many innovative, creative, and passionate students, campus always has one event or another. Whether it's bringing free snow-cones on the quad or seeing the professor that always brings his dog out to play catch every day, there always is something happening on campus, making Wake feel even more like home.
11. Move-in-day
From the start, as you get out of your car on move-in day Wake Forest athletes are waiting to move you in to your dorm. Although this simple act of kindness is such a gift, it does not compare to the spirit of welcoming that this whole community has toward the new freshman. Coming into my freshman year I was terrified of upperclassmen. However, at Wake they don't look down on you, rather they welcome you with open arms. So many older girls reached out to me and were legitimately excited to have me here. The students at Wake are so passionate about Wake that whenever they hear of a new student coming, they are excited to share that passion with you. I even was fortunate enough to have a girl I did not know from my home town grab lunch with me before school even started to welcome me and answer any questions I may have. The whole community at Wake Forest is so welcoming and personable, and I would not trade that for anything.
12. Project Pumpkin
Every year, as one of the many efforts to embody our motto "Pro-Humanitate," Wake Forest hosts an event called project pumpkin where kids from all over Winston Salem come play games and trick-or-treat on the quad. Seeing the excitement in the these kids and the passion for service in Wake student's eyes is truly one of my favorite events here at Wake Forest.
13. The passion and advocacy of the students
The students here at Wake are never ones to not stick up for what they believe in. Even on my hall, I have heard many conversations about different beliefs and views coming from many different backgrounds. While at Wake, I have learned so much about my peers and really expanded myself as a person purely by just taking the time to slow down and hear what my insanely talented peers have to say. Wake truly expands my knowledge from those around me.
14. Always using the beautiful chapel as the north star
I don't think I've had a single day where I have not seen a picture of the beautiful Wait Chapel on my instagram feed. Wait Chapel is such a pretty building here at Wake, and it always peaks out over the other buildings and points all students back to campus, where our hearts belong.
15. Late night subway
To all non-Wake students, this one may be confusing, but all Wake students instantly read that and smiled. Next time you visit campus, go people-watch at subway on any night and see the relentless pursuit of forever getting late-night subway.
Bonus: Never being able to cross the quad without at least one person cheerfully greeting you.
As I mentioned before, Wake creates such a community, that I am able to actually know other people as I walk around campus. I never feel like I am a number in a crowd as I walk in herds to class. Rather, I am always reminded of the personal Wake-touch as I am constantly greeted and smiled at. I have found that people at Wake stop to ask you, "how are you?" then proceed to actually care about your response.
Overall, these are just a few of the many reasons why I am always proud to call Wake my home. Whether at Wake Forest, or another University, I hope everyone can find a school they love as much as I love Wake.