We spend almost every second of the time we have wasting it.
I'm guilty of this, my friends and classmates are guilty of this, and I'm sure anyone laying eyes on this piece is guilty of this as well.
We are constantly and consistently looking forward to things and waiting for those things to either happen or fall into our laps with no effort on our parts whatsoever. We're waiting for virtually everything to come to us and before we can even realize that we are wasting so much time, we've wasted hours, days, weeks, months, and years.
What good reason can we conceive in defense of wasting our time?
Why should we bother waiting for things to happen when we can immediately make some kind of an impact to expedite whatever it is that we're waiting for?
Waiting on opportunity gives us a false sense of comfort. We become vulnerable when we decide to go after something and we really don't like vulnerability. Humans have this irrational fear that vulnerability shows some kind of weakness or personality flaw.
God forbid we step outside of our comfort zones and show that we have flaws and that we are okay with them. We live in a world that doesn't accept flaws or anything that doesn't directly accord to whatever the pre-established normalcy of the time period is.
There's not a damn good reason to keep waiting for whatever it is that you're waiting for.
Stop waiting for tomorrow to apply for your dream job when you have tonight.
Stop waiting to tell that pretty blonde how you feel about her. She could be gone by the time you finally swallow your false pride and talk to her.
Stop waiting to go back to school. If you keep convincing yourself that it's too late for you, you're going to wake up one day and it will actually be too late. You have my blessing to stop reading right now and send in an application.
Stop putting off that call home. You never know when your loved ones won't be around to answer that sporadic call. You'll spend forever wishing you would have just called. Stop waiting.
Stop waiting for your faith to find you. God has never left your side but faith isn't a one-way street. It's partially your responsibility to embark on that journey as well.
Stop waiting on whatever it is that popped in your head while reading this. Whatever it is that you can't stop thinking about, that keeps you up at night, that gives you that uneasy nervous feeling in your gut, that excites you or scares you, do it. There's not a single good reason to keep waiting for it to come to you. No good thing has ever happened to anybody who did absolutely nothing but wished and complained about how long it was taking.
Stop waiting and thinking when you can do something about it.
If you don't like where something is at, the only person who has the power to change it is you.