Now that Donald Trump is on the road to becoming our POTUS, America's biggest concern is: What will we do now? What is our next step? Well, the answer is simple. "We The People" need to come together and take matters into our own hands. Let's use this opportunity to turn this catastrophe into a sour patch kid, which I recall is first sour then sweet!
The citizens of the United States have the power to make real, substantial change. Do not get so caught up in disappointment that you forget about other political offices. We still have senators, the House of Representatives, as well as checks and balances. Yes, Trump may elect his own judges and cabinet, but, in the end, our differences that Donald tries to repress can help fuse us together and allow us to prevail through this time of political crisis. This brings forth Americans' abilities to use intellect and freedom of speech to protest and make the world aware of our discontent with our government.
In the notorious, anti-political movie, V for Vendetta, a character stated: "The people should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people." At least someone got it right! America, we need to grasp this hidden message with intentions to keep moving forward.