Many up-and-coming 18 year olds in this country have a multitude of priorities that they juggle on a daily basis. Some are big, some are small, but registering to vote — let alone actually voting — is usually not one of them. However, this phenomenon occurs across all demographics and no group is unaffected by the repercussions. But why do so many of us refuse to exercise our right to vote? More importantly, why does it matter?
As a Political Science major, I feel naturally compelled to vote. Unfortunately, I am well aware that others do not feel the same way. The majority of non-voters believe that their votes don’t matter or that every politician is inherently evil. While I admit that many politicians don’t have spotlessly clean reputations, I can say with certainty that all votes matter. Even if you’ve sworn to avoid politics at all costs, doing so is simply impossible.
As American citizens, we live within a democratic system in which our government passes and enforces legislation every day. You may not like certain things that the government does, but without voting, your opinion really doesn’t count. Voting is a unique opportunity to let your voice be heard, no matter who you are. Even if you still believe that your vote doesn’t count or that the polls are rigged, there’s no harm in you taking the initiative and actually voting. You may despise the candidates, but someone is going to get elected, with or without your vote.
With that said, you shouldn’t wait for a presidential election to vote. Elections happen at the local, state, and federal levels, with local and state elections being arguably the most important. These elections have more direct, palpable ties to you and your family and will most likely affect you more than say, the presidential election. Congress, after all, plays a major role in how smoothly the government runs, and as we all know, they don’t always do a stellar job.
However, Congress and other elected officials cannot take all of the blame. The American people have a duty to choose those that they feel would serve the country best. Sitting at home and ranting about the incumbents does not aid in that process. In fact, this mentality poisons the minds of our youth, who will inevitably come to hold a large chunk of voting power in our nation. Teaching young people that politics will never serve them is like telling them to ignore the evil and injustice in our world. Each and every one of us has the power to take steps toward change. We may not all agree on the best course of action, but that does not mean that we should take no action at all.
It is a sad truth in our country that people who exercise their right to vote are often scorned and ridiculed. This is a rather disturbing trend that we all have the ability to end. I’m doing my part to eradicate the stigma around voting by writing this article and sharing it with others. It is a simple action, but it has so much potential to influence others. My questions to you are: When will you take action? Who will you influence by letting your voice be heard? What changes will you help make? Or, will you do nothing, and continue to be part of the problem? The choice is solely on your shoulders, and it is up to you to make the right one.