With all the chaos, confusion, and turmoil that the U.S. is currently going through, some people are looking for ways to distract themselves and escape reality for a bit. Some people read, some people exercise, some people travel - people will do anything to get their minds off of something they would rather not think about. Recently, I was feeling a little down, and thankfully stumbled upon this little YouTube Channel called "Vet Ranch."
Vet Ranch is a YouTube channel filled with videos of veterinarians who have found hurt animals that need to be saved.
"Our work is made possible by the support of our dedicated viewers and our partnerships with many awesome animal rescue organizations." -Vet Ranch.
Something I love about this is that this organization is a nonprofit that stays on its feet purely from donations from viewers. This fact just shows that the work of this organization is something supported by so many people who love animals and want all animals to be able to live happy, healthy, lives.
I could sit for hours watching these tear jerkers - a dog who needs his leg amputated but finds a forever home after his recovery, a kitten who has a rotten eye and needs surgery in hopes for a better life, the videos are endless. It's hard to watch these videos and not feel like crying just a little, but by the end of the videos (more often than not!) the animals recover and are able to have a better second chance at life.
If you check out the website, vetranch.org, you can read all about their mission, the doctors at Vet Ranch, recovery stories of animals, videos, and a link to donate to their cause or even adopt an animal they have saved.
This cause, helping and serving the needs of almost hopeless animals, is something that is not only a distraction but also is an important cause to learn more about and become invested in. I always say God's greatest gift are pets.
Check out the Vet Ranch YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXSCm3S2XZHLBz8kH...