For all you lovers out there,
I get the title can be a little aggressive, but it makes a good point. The idea of Valentine's Day was great: a single day of the year made just for showing the person you love just how much you care about them. Whether it's with breakfast in bed, a dozen roses, or a box of chocolates, every kind word and action you make that day is devoted to someone else.
However, Valentine's Day should not exist just for one day. Every day you should show the person you love just how much they mean to you. I get it: everyone has busy schedules and sometimes we tend to think of ourselves before others, but this needs to change. At least once a day, a simple action should be made for the person to know we care about them and think of them often.
If this were our society, having every day be Valentine's Day, imagine how much happier couples would be. Imagine how many divorces could be prevented. All it takes it a simple action for a significant change. So don't treat the person you love extra special for one day out of 365 days- treat them special every day of the year.