The week before Valentine's Day, you'll hear a lot of people say:
"Valentine's Day is the worst holiday we have."
"Probably just going to go to a movie by myself."
"Just gonna sit back and eat some chocolate and go to sleep all day."
People without significant others despise the holiday because it makes them feel more "alone." People with significant others, sometimes don't even celebrate, because "their love should be celebrated every day."
But Valentine's Day does not have to be about celebrating your love for the person you are in a relationship with, it can be about celebrating your love for your friends, and family. The day is a holiday exclusively to appreciate the people that you love in your life.
There is something special about a day, where love is the main focus. At the end of the day, there is someone that you love, regardless of if you are "in love" with them or just love who they are. And there is nothing wrong with having a day that focuses on the love that you have for your friends and family.
And yes, those who are in a relationship, should celebrate their love everyday, but sometimes it is okay to set a day aside where you truly celebrate the love that you share for each other. Sometimes people do not pay enough attention to the people in their lives, and don't have the time to always think about the person they love. Everyone gets caught up in themselves and focused on what they need to be doing, that they seem to neglect the people that are most important to them. So sometimes having a day, where you step back, and are able to appreciate the person you love, is special.
Maybe some people are not into those grand gestures for Valentine's Day, like: buying 100 roses, or buying a giant teddy bear, or a tower of chocolates. But you don't have to be to appreciate Valentine's Day. While, some might find over the top celebrations obnoxious, some may not. And expressing love for someone with a grand gesture should be appreciated, rather than scoffed at.
Showing love for the people in your life, on one day out of the year, should not be dreaded. We focus too much of our times on ourselves, that it is okay to set one day to tell your friends, you parents, your boyfriend/girlfriend, that you love them. Because at the end of the day, after a long day of focusing your attention on yourself, you just want to be with the people you love.
Your friends and family always love you, and on this one day out of the year, you should tell them, you should spend time with them, and you should embrace the fact that you have people that you love and who love you.