If you know anything about me, you know that I am a holiday fanatic. Whether it’s getting into the Christmas spirit or dressing up for the Fourth of July, you can always count me in to participate in all of the festivities. Holidays have always been something I enjoyed simply because it’s an opportunity to celebrate. Some of the occasions, like Valentine's Day in particular, may not have any real “historical” or religious value, but that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate it. As a single college-student, you would think I would be lumped with all the “anti-Valentine's haters” of the world. Instead, I view it as my favorite holiday. Here’s why:
1. The food.
Valentine's has endless snacking opportunities. Obviously, chocolate is a huge part of Valentine's Day. The best part is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money on candy and sweets when places like CVS and Target have a whole section dedicated to Valentine's Day. Your opportunities are finite.
2. The color scheme.
Growing up as a girly-girl, pink was forced upon me as my favorite color. Because of this, Valentine's Day has always been a favorite of mine simply because of the colors. Since I’ve been a true pink fan since day one, Valentine's provides the perfect excuse for me to go all out.
3. Gives you time to spend with your friends.
While some of your closest friends might be busy splurging on expensive nights out with their significant others, that doesn’t mean that you can’t participate. Grab all your single friends and make a night out of it. Both boys and girls are welcome. Do something fun or different like bowling, laser tag, or snow tubing. Just stay away from the typical dinner and a movie. Take full advantage of Valentine's Day. It is probably one of the only holidays that doesn’t require you to spend it with your overbearing family.
4. … or by yourself.
There is nothing wrong with spending Valentine's Day alone. This holiday is all about love and there’s no better way to love yourself than spending a whole day doing nothing but Netflix. I promise no one will judge you.
5. It’s an opportunity to be vulnerable.
Since it is the holiday of “love,” take this as the perfect occasion to be a little vulnerable. If you’re single already, you don’t have much to loose. Use this as a new day to get a fresh start in the dating world. Text the guy that you’ve always had your eye on. Maybe he’s spending Valentine's Day alone too…
6. Use it as a day dedicated to showing people you appreciate them.
Sometimes being single is hard. Other times, it’s a big relief. Most of the time, it’s the best of both worlds. Either way, this holiday is all about love. Even though you currently aren’t dating anyone, that doesn’t mean that you can’t show the important people in your life you care about them. Go out of the way for your friends. Make sure you show your appreciation for your family. It could make someone’s day.
No matter your relationship status, spend Valentine's Day with yourself in mind and make the most of it. Even though it is my favorite holiday, it does only come once a year.